Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Has my English Muff’n died?

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    I’ve had my English Muff’n for about 3 or 4 years now, its been used fairly regularly but very well looked after and this morning I have turned it on, its fired up as usual then cut out after 5 minutes. I turned it off, gave it a minute, tried it again and it did the same only after a shorter ammount of time. Now I’m getting about 30 seconds before it cuts out. When it cuts out its completely killing the signal most of the time or sending the signal through incredibly quietly. When its working all of the pots, lights and the switch are working perfectly and it sounds fine.

    I dont know if it will be of any relevance but my effects chain goes; guitar > clyde standard wah > germanium 4 big muff > english muffn > blackfinger > wiggler > tube amp. Its not on a pedal board, wah and germanium 4 are battery powered and the three tube pedals run into the same surge protected 6 way adapter as the amp.

    If anyone can shed any light on whats gone wrong I’d be eternally grateful. I’m really hoping its just the tubes.


    P.S. I have also tried changing the power supply with the others and it seems to be working fine and the pedal its self doesnt seem to be getting any hotter than usual.


    Did you try to replace the vacuum tubes?

    Maybe the glass of the tubes has cracked or something went wrong with them


    Thanks for the reply man, thats what I’m hoping it is too, just wanted some second opinions before I laid out the cash for them.


    It was the tubes!!! I’ve replaced them with a 12AY7 on the left as the driving tube and a 5751 gold on the right.

    Anyone considering this mod that has stumbled on to this thread go for it.

    Its a massive improvement and I dont understand why EHX doesnt sell them with this tube configuration as standard. The bigest difference it makes is it being balanced accross the eq; if you set all the pots to 12 o’clock it fits, it doesnt sound like you’ve got the treble up around 9 o’clock. The 5751 also makes it richer accross the whole of the tone, like it has more substance and depth throughout. I cant emphasise how much nicer this it makes playing through this pedal, not that it wasnt great as it was.

    It does increase the gain available significantly, but it just means havng the tone knob dialed back a little more, to work it like a pre-amp it’s just the difference between fiddling about around 9 and 10 o’clock and fiddling about around 7 and 8 o’clock instead…. and the ammount of extra dirt available opens up a new spectrum of pessibilities.

    Nothing else about the way the pedal behaves in relation to the controls seems to have changed either, only the gain and the treble pots, while still making it all sound more awesome :D

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