Home Forums The Lounge Harmony Central got hacked

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  • #79501
    December 11, 2009

    Dear Harmony Central member,

    Thank you for your participation in the Harmony Central community. We are writing to inform you of an incident that took place on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, and to suggest some steps you may consider in response.

    What Happened.

    Someone without authorization temporarily gained access to the Harmony Central site. That person or persons also gained access to our stored member information, which includes e-mail addresses. If you have provided us with other information, like your date of birth, we have also stored that information. Our stored information also includes member passwords, which are protected by multiple levels of encryption.

    Our Response.

    Our team stopped this intrusion. We are working hard to further improve the security of the Harmony Central site. We regret that this incident has caused the site to go offline temporarily. We also regret any concern that this incident may cause you.

    What You Can Do.

    As noted above, our stored passwords are protected by multiple levels of encryption. However, out of an abundance of caution, we recommend that you reset your password as soon as Harmony Central is available.

    Also, as always, please remain cautious when responding to e-mail communications. Please remember — no one from Harmony Central will ever ask you for your password or log-in information. No one from Harmony Central will ask you for a credit card number, or Social Security number, or anything of the sort. If you ever receive any message supposedly from Harmony Central asking for that or any personal information, note the sender, delete the email immediately, restart your computer, and alert us to the situation. Never click on any links or attachments contained in an email of this type.

    We appreciate your patience, and expect to have the site back up soon.


    Your Harmony Central Team

    wow, anything bad happen?

    This is the third day it’s been down, so yeah… pretty serious for them I suppose.


    wow… that’s why i can’t search for what i want… damn, hope it gets better!


    someone must be really desperate to get their hands on those botb prizes ;)

    someone must be really desperate to get their hands on those botb prizes ;)

    lol, I emailed Flo (neoflox) yesterday and he said they were just about to start uploading the BOTB threads when it went down. Talk about timing….


    I know. . . the only time when I wanted on HCFX.

    We should start talking about WIIOs and M9s in the lounge then we’ll replace them.

    I know. . . the only time when I wanted on HCFX.

    We should start talking about WIIOs and M9s in the lounge then we’ll replace them.


    It sucks that the hacker has all of our information!


    Well they don’t know if he accessed our info. . .

    I haven’t got any junkmail yet, so I think I might be safe


    I haven’t gotten anything yet either as well. I’m beginning to miss it. :(


    Nothing really. It stinks.

    Well, except for Phil O’Keefe. He’s awesome.

    whats harmony central so amazing for anyway?

    It’s not amazing in itself…. it’s a bit like pubs, it’s all about the people you are with. I wouldn’t know Fender&ehx4ever;, Kev Demuth, Andy Heartfeltdawn and a number of other people who I’ve considered my friends for a long time now.


    It can be quite tiresome over there. But I like the fact that it encompasses a wild array of different opinions.


    i was about to join harmony central a few months ago, but i thought it would take up too much time in my day because i’m already part of one forum. good thing i didnt join.

    it’s a bit like pubs

    Haha, I like the analogy; but more like English Pubs since you don’t have to be 21 to enter.


    HC is a fantastic review source and their’s many good forum thread there…

    hope they recover from it and kick the ass of those hackers…

    I might be risking of being attack with that but I can’t resist:

    hackers, please get a life!

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