Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Half a Holy Stain ?

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  • #77337

    Don’t know were to ask this ?

    Is there any Holy Stain users/owners that use “only” the Dirt section ?


    I like the dirt tones, but have NO USE for the other digi-half !
    Anyone that bought it for the dirt only ???


    when I had mine I used to use it for dirt and a bit of reverb (the other great thing on it) so almost!!


    Sir Jack: are you sure?
    I mean: “Mix” and “Amount” turned all the way left?
    (in any/regardless of all “Mode” positions?)


    Get yourself an expression pedal going with it and it’ll open up a whole new world of sonic possibilities!

    It would be great if the OD/Fuzz was foot-switchable though…

    (hi chaps, btw… :wave: )

    Get yourself an expression pedal going with it and it’ll open up a whole new world of sonic possibilities!

    It would be great if the OD/Fuzz was foot-switchable though…

    (hi chaps, btw… :wave: )


    good to see you here. :wave:


    Now that I have ordered the EHX Voice Box, the Holy Stain is the next on my list of must-haves. And the Dan Miller demo is what sold me.
    Great thing about EHX pedals is that they always go over the top and beyond the realms of what you, I, us, we have in our minds when we start to use them ( as opposed to Boss, good, simple, sturdy pedals that they are).
    So I would go for a Holy Stain with the whole nine yards, limit myself to what I think I’m looking for and gradually move on from there. I reckon the day would come when Half a Holy Stain no longer sufficed.

    Meanwhile the immediate solution for Half a Holy Stain would be to get a Metal Muff and put it through the Nano Holy Grail just to tweak in a bit of colour.

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