Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Guitar portamento with V256 Vocoder..what is the lowest note it can track?

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  • #82822

    Hi guys

    Has anyone here tried Bill Rupert’s trick for getting guitar portamento with the V256, but with a 7 string guitar or even a bass?

    I remember trying it with a 6 string guitar tuned in E standard in a shop and after a little tweaking it worked great.

    Just wondering how low it’ll track with an instrument, and if it can be modded to track lower down.

    Clearly the technology is there for a potential portamento pedal for guitar or bass in the future (i own the Super EGO but that provides a different kind of portamento)


    I’ve played around with the V256 and it seems to not track anything below E2 on a guitar for this effect


    Has anyone else tried the guitar portamento effect with the V256?
    It would be awesome if EHX could make a portamento pedal for bass and guitar.

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