Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Graphic Fuzz – Old vs New

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    I’ve been using my old graphic fuzz (the big version) for years now! its by far the best pedal in my rig.. although its oversized and need its own ac adapter i kept it on the board.

    I doing some changes on my board and thought of getting the new XO version to replace the old, so i’ll be able to free some space and drop the 40v ac adapter.

    Did anyone compare both pedals? do they sound exactly the same?

    Does anybody got a clue how mA the new version draws?



    ~100mA. They should sound the same.


    I*’ve never read complaints about a different sound between the 2 pedals, and follow a few stompbox related sites/forums.. Maybe you have to use a little bit different settings of the faders, because they are smaller…


    thanks for the comments guys, I just ordered the new one yesterday.
    I’ll wait till i’ll get and compare them both.


    ~100mA. They should sound the same.

    it’s probably nearer 10 mA


    well.. i’ve been using the x0 version for quite a while now..and i have to say im really dissapointed..

    its nothing like the old graphic fuzz.. the eq is very hard to control, and i cant get the same sound i got on the old one..

    another thing is – when i was using the old one i sometimes used to run another overdrive pedal running before the graphic fuzz and it sounded great, with the x0 it sounds very bad…

    I also had troubles powering the pedal, i use the voodoo lab pedalpower and since i tought it might need a high mA i connected it to to a free input, but when i turn it on the led blinked and no sound was coming out.. when i plugged it trought a chain it was fine.. don’t know what the thing..

    I really dont like the new one and the old one is taking too much space, thinking of replacing it to different pedal..


    sorry to hear of your disappointment. i as well love the graphic fuzz. but before then i used a Boss combo of two pedals, maybe you can find salvation that way? i liked the set up just as much as the old GF.

    i used a boss GE-7 (EQ) with an overdrive, i was using the boss dual overdrive (hard to find now, i dont know why??)

    the two next to each other takes up bout the same amount of room as an XO pedal (as long as you find those pancake headed jack cables or a strait jack connector between them), and you can hit them together or just OD or EQ separately.

    you can use whatever OD you want (the graphic fuzz was more of an OD than a fuzz) but i would recommend a boss so it easy to use together. they have many many to choose from in that department (distortions, od’s, fuzz..ect) im sure you can find something suitable.

    plus with seperate EQ and OD pedals you can switch up the order its in to see what sounds better first!
    and or place a second OD next to them or have the EQ between them ect…so have more options like you mentioned using a second OD. and still be able to hit whatever combo you want with matching switches from the Boss pedals right next to each other.

    or use any EQ and any OD you want and use a channel switcher or loop pedal to turn them on together. and keep the two pedals out of the way and just use the remote switch.

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