Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Graphic Fuzz + Germanium Big Muff

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    Anyone tried this combo? In what order would you put them?



    well, i dont have a graphic fuzz. but i do have a germanium 4 bigg muff and a dunlop fuzzace. im not much of a fuzz fan to be honest. i like the germanium more. i have considered buying the graphic fuzz for the sake the equalizer actually. i just had the germanium and fuzzface and a tube screamer in chain, just the other day. it doesnt sound pretty, if you turn the germanium and the fuzzface on at the same time. maybe its different with a graphic fuzz. at any rate, i would go with the germanium then the fuzz. so you can end with the eq for sound shapping. perhaps this way you can lower any extra noise you get from running both at the time. which leads me to the question, is the eq any good? is it worth buying?

    End of line.


    thank you!

    after some weeks of sperimentation, I can say that the two are not so well combinable.
    So far I have tried to put the GF before, because I wanted to use it as a clean sustainer/compressor in the clean tones. Well, it doesn’t really work as a compressor, even if you set the dynamic at lowest level.
    Graphic fuzz distortion is quite heavy: level of distortion it is not so progressive, but at high level works fine with a boost/overdrive before (infinite sustain, fuzzy tone, similar to a big muff but less muddy).
    So the light overdrive of the Germanium may result as the propeller. Still need to try this combination.
    I don’t think the GF could be a good booster/overdrive if the fuzz is on, too heavy. With the fuzz switched off, well it could work as EQ booster. The EQ is very responsive, incredibly responsive, I’m still learning how to use it because it’s my first EQ.

    hope it helps!


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