Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Got new tubes for my Wiggler

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    So I was having issues with my Wiggler adding distortion to my signal…so I got some new tubes. In it now are a GT 12AX7 and an EHx 12AX7.

    I got a JJ 12AT7 and a EHx 12AU7.

    I think i will first take out the GT & install the other EHx…see if that helps…if not then the other 12AX7 goes and in goes the JJ. I will let you guys know how it turns out.


    So what do you think about it? Have you mixed the different types yet and experimented? I’m really curious!


    Not yet friends! My amp is out at the practice space and I haven’t made it out there yet, but hopefully tonight I will. Updates soon.


    somewhere on the web, there`s a mod to increase or decrease the gain of the Wiggler`s first tube
    (the right hand one, on the side of the input-jack…), IIRC.

    Otherwise, you could lower the vol of the guitar, or the device before the Wiggler,
    and make up the volume with the Wiggler`s control.


    I have the wiggler and I find if I have it set at a unity volume usually around 8/9 o’clock I don’t hear any distortion at this setting. Try it at this setting. If you check the demo by Peter Stroud he says if you up the volume you get a ‘creamier’ sound. I’m sure the good folks at EHX test and test when they build a new pedal and the tubes that are selected are the best ones for that type of pedal.

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