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  • This topic has 14 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by m0jo.
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    Righty, so, a band I’m working with is looking for some advice as to gear. The musical style can only be described as a combination of Chilli Peppers type sounds and a little bit of their funkiness, Funkadelic’s jamming attitude, and Hendrix’s brand of rock.

    So, the guitarist has a G&L Legacy Semihollow, which is a BEAUTIFUL guitar. THe thing is, he’s planning on going for a new amp, and he can’t decide between Fender and Mesa-Boogie. Very different types of amps, but I’d say they’d work equally well. As to pedals, he’s thinking
    OD (Perhaps a Muff’n, for those Chili Peppers tones, but we’re open to suggestions)
    Wah (RMC Picture Wah. No doubt about it.)
    Fuzz (We’re stumped here. We don’t want something TOO classic sounding, so no FF clones, but nothing too boutique-y, either)
    Phaser (Open to suggestions; probably gonna just go with a Small Stone)
    Rotary (We’re COMPLETELY at a loss)
    Delay (This is were we’re willing to splurge; analog delay isn’t a priority, so we’re thinking maybe Eventide Timefactor or something like that.)

    So, anyone who wants to fill in the blanks, I’d love your suggestions. :D


    If it were me….

    OD – A Muff’n would be a good choice, but also have him look into an Ibanez Tube Screamer

    Fuzz – NYC Big Muff Pi. I’m convinced nobody does fuzz better than EHX.

    Phaser – Go with the NANO small stone and you won’t get the volume drop the NYC stones are known for

    Delay – Deluxe Memory Man, MXR Carbon Copy (or wait for EHX’s answer to it), or the Line 6 Echo Park.


    Yah, I’m thinking a Muff would be ideal. As to the OD, we’re looking for something more unorthodox than a tube screamer.
    As to delay, we’re thinking digital. Presets are ideal, as he switches between slapback, medium, and ambient delays a lot, and tap tempo is always a plus…


    MXR Phase 100’s are great. And I know Frusciante uses an Ibanez wh10 wah if you’re looking for a chili pepper sound, but i don’t know how easy they are to find because i think they’re discontinued and they go for around $350 or something like that on ebay.

    Yah, I’m thinking a Muff would be ideal. As to the OD, we’re looking for something more unorthodox than a tube screamer.
    As to delay, we’re thinking digital. Presets are ideal, as he switches between slapback, medium, and ambient delays a lot, and tap tempo is always a plus…

    Ah. Then for the OD you could try looking at the Fulltone Fulldrive, Visual Sounds Route 808, or EHX’s tube drives.

    As for the delay, definitely look into the Stereo Memory Man with HAZARAI, Eventide, Akai Headrush, and/or Boss DD-20.


    for a wah try one of these….there should be one to suit your needs.


    Righty, so, a band I’m working with is looking for some advice as to gear. The musical style can only be described as a combination of Chilli Peppers type sounds and a little bit of their funkiness, Funkadelic’s jamming attitude, and Hendrix’s brand of rock.

    Right up my mother f’n alley!

    OD – I’ve got a Muff’n and while it rocks, it is noisy! I also have a Hot Tubes, it rocks but is noisier and no mid eq, I have a Tubescreamer (i’m sure you know what they do)…My suggestion would be to check out the Rocktron Silver Dragon, I have fallen in love with it.
    Wah – (RMC Picture Wah. No doubt about it.) – This is a personal preference pedal!
    Fuzz – Try out a Russian Muff, it is a really smooth fuzz and is good for maintaining the clarity in your fuzziness.
    Phaser – Make sure you get the Nano Small Stone (not the regular one). I use a Behringer Vintage Phaser ($25) and it is awesome and identical to the small stone for the most part.
    Rotary – That’s a tough one…I don’t use these so no opinion.
    Delay – I use a Behringer Vintage Time Machine (DMM Clone) and it f’n rocks for $60.

    Good luck!


    While I don’t own a Mesa, I do know that they are quite nice. For me (and my budget), though, there’s nothing more classic than the Fender tube sound.

    As for the OD, the Muff’n is something that I’m tempted to get myself. John Frusciante uses one, actually. The demos sound amazing, and so do all the reviews. For OD now, though, I use a Barber LTD, and it’s really transparent, so if you like your clean sound, you’ll love the LTD. Gets that second harmonic crunch, like a tube amp. Love it.

    As for a fuzz, you might want to look into an octavia of some sort. If you’re into soldering at all, you can get a Tycobrahe Octavia clone kit from General Guitar Gadgets for pretty cheap. It has a switch to remove the octave sound, as well. A Bass Big Muff is an excellent alternative, too, if you want a thicker fuzz.

    For the phase I’d just go with the Small Stone. Probably the XO one, though. Very tiny footprint, and I think the exact same circuitry, or close to it.

    For my rotary sound, I find that the phase setting on my XO worm sounds really f’n good! That pedal also has vibrato, tremolo and auto-wah, with an EXP pedal out, so that might be something to look into.

    And +1 on the Memory Man w/ Hazarai. I love mine.

    For a funk type of a project, you may want to look into a nice compressor (Pigtronix’s Philosopher’s Tone is nuts!), and maybe a Microsynth, or something. Or maybe the POG2, when it hits the shelves. Have fun!


    My funk rig would include:

    Bass Micro Synthesizer
    Octave Multiplexer
    The Worm

    For Chili Peppers/Funkadelic, don’t overlook the Q-Tron family. Just pick one. I use the QTron + and its my favorite pedal (this week). Rotary speaker effect..I have a Uni-Vibe and its about as good as it gets in the realm of real dollars, and by that I mean an amount of money that the average dude has. Can’t wait to hear some of the tunes.

    I totally agree with Sim. I use a Dr. Q and while it is cool it needs more options. Also for a cheaper uni-vibe clone Danelectro makes a vibe that is pretty authentic sounding (two problems: volume jump at first and a couple seconds to ramp up but these are fixable). So now I guess my next two pedals after looking at the posts are going to be a Q-Tron and a Worm!


    The rotary Its got to be the wiggler, awesome tones to be had


    Don’t forget the Tube Zipper

    That can be an outrageously funky box. Tube drive and a powerful and tweakable envelope filter section as well.


    for funkaliciousness you really need a compressor and various types of envelope filter. all the qtrons are awesome, the bassballs is pretty cool too but i think the most funky envelope out there is the polyphase ;)
    an octave down pedal is cool as well.


    For the amp in my opinion a fender.


    Hi! My first post, so here goes:

    As for delay I can give two recommendations: Eventide Timefactor and Boss DD-20, the Timefactor obviously has more possibilities, but the Boss is easyer to use. Especially live.. (and if you’re not going to use all the stuff in the Eventide it’s a bit of waste of money).

    Nnw for the amp I have a new candidate: Laney! Go try a VH100r or a TT50/100 (combo or head) and be amazed!

    I use a VC100 (older combo version of the VH100) and the clean and crunch is gorgious for funk,and very tweakeable to sound like your sound.. instead of just another Fender. Also you say Jimi type rock, the gain channel on the VH100 is just perfect for that type of stuff! Slap some EHX tubes in there and get your funk on!

    (btw: I also play a lot of funk, my Laney + ’60s style relic strat .. instant peppers.. and tweakable to all era’s of peppers too! :D )

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