Home Forums The Lounge friedjesseradio is on vacation with more ehx dreams

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    hey guys. i know everyone is on here freakin out because they havent heard from me for a couple weeks (sarcasm). im in new york on vacation. i will be here till august 12th so then i will be more frequent then. so i had to get on ehx today because last night, i had an ehx dream!

    so heres my dream:
    i was at some school or something and we were all on computers. to get on youtube, you had to have an admin password so i had to sneak one from a teacher without them noticing. so i grabbed the password and went to youtube because (check this) i wanted to watch viral videos of jurassic park! i thought i might check up on the ehx blog while i was at it and the page loaded. i couldnt believe my eyes! there was at least 10 new products. the only one that i kinda knew what i was looking at was portrayed as “a leg off of the old deluxe electric mistress” and i cant remember the name though. it looked super sweet. purple and green swirls with tons of knobs and lights. i guess it was supposed to be the best flanger ever made. now the other products were all technical names like the ntks-2500. what really pissed me off about these is that they had smaller knobs than the normal but they were like tall boss knobs. i thought it looked so dumb. they were like large xo boxes but even bigger. and what made me even further mad is that they put out a new product that was in the hexagonal prism box. i didnt like that. i was happy that there were new products but i was unhappy with each individual one. then i woke up.


    haha I had a dream a year or two ago I met Mike Matthews and he showed me an XO Hog.


    are you in NYC? or a different part of new york? (i ask because i’m headed to rochester on aug 7ish)

    Closest dream i’ve had to that was where Stuart Braithwaite autographed my Fabtone. I then told him about it via twitter and he said I needed to get better dreams.


    i live in Lockport NY, its right between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, 10-20 minutes ether way.


    this could be the opportunity for a board meet-up

    everyone bring a big muff and we’ll see which sounds best


    im stayin with my grandparents on keuka lake. cryabetes, are you performing or somethin on the 7th? i would totally be there! ive been to rochester a few times. i dont know if you guys consider it rochester or irondequoit but i go to the house of guitars about once a year. i left my pedals at home in texas sadly.


    House of Guitars is totally Irondequoit. if you ever get a chance to check out their studio, do it. It’s pretty damn impressive.
    and no, i’m not performing, i’m in an LDR with a girl in Rochester, which is why i’m headed out there.

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