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  • #78827
    Ravi Shanka

    Hey hey, Im thinking of buying one of these, its just got some really weird sounds going on in that box, it would suite the band Im in, we are trying to do quirky robot rock stuff with a bit of Sabbath riffage thrown in for good measure. Anywayyy…..

    I use an epi sg with humbuckers although I will be sticking some P90s in at some point, but until then Im still using the stock pups. My question is would the Frequency Analyser be any good with humbuckers and downtuned guitars? ( we tune to D G C F A D) sometimes dropping the low D to C. Would there be any problems with using this pedal on lower tones.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    no, I use my frequency analyzer with humbuckers and my guitar downtuned as far as C and it works fine!


    I’ve used one on bass and it handled it fine.


    The Frequency Analyser tracks everything perfectly. There’s no latency as there’s no digital reading of the pitch, everything that happens is completely natural result of the carrier wave meeting the input signal. I play an amplified wind instrument (bassoon) through it, sometimes with loads of effects before it like a HOG and a Metal Muff – tracking is always perfect. The pedal runs at a high enough voltage to provide pretty much any sort of headroom you’d need.

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