Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Freeze vs Superego

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    Hello! I was just about to buy a freeze, then discovered the superego. Does the superego do everything the freeze does?

    One of the reasons I wanted the freeze was to use latch mode to sustain notes without my foot on it for a for a long time while doing other stuff, then tap it again to change chord. Will the superego mode do this? Or does it only layer in latch mode? (I figure it’s more similar in non-latch mode)

    If they’re not the same and if I don’t want to layer sounds so have to double-tap with the superego on each change (does that work?) how about auto mode? How long will auto keep a chord going if I just roll off the volume knob and stop playing?

    Basically freeze does what I want, but superego might give me a fine selection of other fun like glissando and stuff if it still will just hold a note for me and not layer on changes, but without me having to keep my foot on it is kinda important.


    The Superego will do all the Frezze does and more.
    The Superego does latch as well as auto where you play something and it freezes it with out a foot switch.
    It also lets you freeze thing on top of each other. I say check out the EHX Superego video.


    So in latch mode with the freeze when you hit the button it *replaces* the current freezes note with a new one.

    If superego does the same how do you layer sounds? Else if hitting the button in latch mode *layers* (not replaces) then how do you make it change like the freeze. Do you have to triple-tap or something?


    I worked it out! It’s just like the freeze with the layer knob fully ccw, but layers to whatever desired degree when the layer knob is set higher! Correct?

    Hmmm, now I need to work out if I can shoehorn it’s extra size into my already rammed pedalboard!

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