Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Freeze bypass hiss?

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  • #82083

    Hi all,

    I noticed I was getting a small amount of added hiss from my very large pedalboard, so thought I would do some troubleshooting to find out where the hiss was coming from. Turns out it’s only present when my guitar is going through the Freeze pedal (I have tried guitar –> every other pedal —> amp = ZERO added noise, and I have tried guitar –> Freeze –> amp, and I get added hiss. I am using a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ to power it, from the high current output (250mA), and have also tried it with the 200mA EHX adapter that came with it – and heard no difference.

    Is this just the true nature of the way the bypass works in this pedal or do I have a defective unit?

    I understand that this pedal is not true bypass, (and why would I want it to be… that’s how we get the beautiful slow decay), but the fact that I don’t get any hiss from my boss pedals and other buffered pedals makes me wonder if something’s wrong.

    Could any other Freeze users plug straight into their amp, turn up the volume and note how much noise they get (with guitar volume rolled off), and then add the Freeze to the chain and see if the hiss increases?

    I am probably being very OCD about the added noise, as it is very subtle – but I hate to know that it’s there.

    Thanks :)

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