Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Flanger Hoax tips, tricks, and clips

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    There is a whole thread here, that links to many other threads, but it is sort of sloppy. Maybe we can work on getting all that stuff neatly in here.



    I made this recall sheet for a friend. We couldn’t find an official EHX recall sheet on the site a year or so ago and I haven’t checked to see if there is one now. Anyway here is mine for anyone to print off and come up with settings.


    I made this recall sheet for a friend. We couldn’t find an official EHX recall sheet on the site a year or so ago and I haven’t checked to see if there is one now. Anyway here is mine for anyone to print off and come up with settings.


    thanks!! i just ordered the flanger hoax, this will come in handy.


    hi there, guys… i’m new here and i have a question – does it make sense to buy a HOAX when I’m not really into flangers? I like phasers and a mild chorus so i the way I see this stompbox is like a “ultimate modulation monster”… your opinion? should I try it? (when i’ll have the money… I am a poor student :-D )


    I’m not a big flanger fan either but I really like the Hoax. If you are a tweaker with lots of time on yer hands, you might get your money’s worth with the Hoax.


    i think its a great pedal, and its worth the money.

    I’m not a big flanger fan either but I really like the Hoax. If you are a tweaker with lots of time on yer hands, you might get your money’s worth with the Hoax.

    Yeah, I think that’s me… i like pedals that are not hard to find a good sound but have alot of options so when you search, you can always find something new :rawk:

    Thanks! It now becomes a part of my wishlist… but I stil thing that Graphic fuzz is first

    I’m not a big flanger fan either but I really like the Hoax. If you are a tweaker with lots of time on yer hands, you might get your money’s worth with the Hoax.

    Yeah, I think that’s me… i like pedals that are not hard to find a good sound but have alot of options so when you search, you can always find something new :rawk:

    Thanks! It now becomes a part of my wishlist… but I stil thing that Graphic fuzz is first

    its not the easiest pedal to use at first, but I have found a ton of awesome sounds from it, my only real complaint is that volume drop on it, i need to get a boost to put after it.


    I use an LPB-1 with it to solve the volume drop issues. And I agree it is NOT easy to get up and going. Takes some commitment to get anything out of it.

    I use an LPB-1 with it to solve the volume drop issues. And I agree it is NOT easy to get up and going. Takes some commitment to get anything out of it.

    yeah i just ordered one.

    I use an LPB-1 with it to solve the volume drop issues. And I agree it is NOT easy to get up and going. Takes some commitment to get anything out of it.

    I do that too. but its kinda hard sometimes hitting them at the same time.


    I use a true bypass looper with a master bypass to solve that problem.


    I use a Boss LS-2 with the Hoax (it has a built in boost for the loop) to correct volume drop, it works great!

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