Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Flanger hoax rate knob mod ideas …

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    I’ve been “playing around” with my Flanger Hoax for some time now.
    Still “shooting in the dark” when it comes to finding new sounds … I’ve yet to figure out what affects what and how and why …

    Now … wouldn’t it be nice if the modulator rate could be controlled using a pedal ! Has anynoe done this ?
    It is a normal dual pot, and since it’s not in the signal path (or ?) it shouldn’t be a problem ?

    And I guess one half of the pot controls the frecuency of the fixed phaser, and the other half controls the swept phaser ? or ?

    Anyone tried to use a stacked pot or two individual pots ?



    Enigma, Qtron+, Bass Microsynth, Nano BassBalls, Doctor-Q (-77) and Flanger Hoax


    Perhaps 4 optocouplers set up to simulate the two pot sections, so that one resistance decreases as the other increases – not easy, with LED control coming from a pot in the pedal – also problematic as the resistance covered by pedal travel would have to be considered.


    You could always use a vintage EHX Hotfoot. I have one, and it works perfectly – very well-built. I understand the appeal of modding, but the Hoax is a bit expensive to take a risk on, IMO.


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