Home Forums The Lounge Fender Blacktop …. any love??

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    Anyone got one? Played one?


    I just saw one in Sam Ash yesterday and I really wanted to try it out, but I didnt have time. but I’ve been really meaning to try one out. I love the look of the Jag and I’d really consider buying one if it had a tremolo bar. but I’m sure I’d be able to add one…


    I’ve been after a Tele (as a ‘2nd’ guitar) for a while now, and kind of decided on a mex 60’s classic, but seeing the blacktop has made me think.

    In fact, the Strat with the 5 way switching might be perfect (and I didn’t even want a strat!)

    Now I’m racked with indecision….. (in a good way)

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