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  • #81186

    Hi guys,

    I write a lot of music, and songs, but I never ever ever sing, well I didn’t until recently. I’ve done a few tracks with non-permanent singers, but now Ive gotten so tired of searching for a ‘vocalist’ that I’ve decided to have a go at singing one of my songs myself!

    I really can’t stand the sound of my own voice, even on a video camera, or hearing it back through monitors whilst recording, it’s just like torture for me. So I was wondering if I could get some impartial feedback from you guys? Is this any good? I try to think of it like ‘if it was someone else singing it, I’d like it.’ But it’s always good to get feedback on what you do :)

    Thanks guys! Here’s the link; http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14392951/Blue_Face_in_the_Crowd.mp3

    (The bass guitar is played through a Big Muff Pi w/ Tone Wicker and the feedbacky guitars are done using a POG2! See! It was EHX related after all XD)


    i COMPLETELY understand what your talking about with the sound of your own voice, im the same way.

    i must say its not really my style but it was very good, and i felt the vocals fit perfectly.


    I’m the same way too. i love writing lyrics and stuff, but i hate my voice most of the time, thats why i’m sticking to instrumentals for a while until im more comfortable with my voice.

    btw i really liked the song and i loved your voice too. i think it sounded good. you’re voice sorta reminded me of the singer from Thrice, like their softer stuff you know? but yea the song was really good you should post more.


    muy bueno senor!!!


    Yes, it is very good. Reminds me a bit of The Flaming Lips. But I’m listening to them a lot lately. Vocals are very good. I would def like to hear more from you. But my fav parts are the drum fills (when they come in/end) and the “feedbacky” guitars. It provides a nice contrast to the organic acoustic from the intro. What did you use for the drums?


    muy bueno senor!!!

    my ñ± has an eyebrow :poke:

    It’s excellent. It reminds me a little of jack conte


    Sounds fine to me…. it’s in tune which is all that matters really…. stop worrying and enjoy!!!!


    Wow, wasn’t expecting that! Thanks a load guys :)

    The drums, despite sounding like a drum machine are actually SonicCouture ‘Variable Ambience’ drum samples. I’m using the ‘Anechoic Kit’ on that track which is (as you might have guessed) sampled in an anechoic chamber; a room with an extremely low RT60, near enough zero reverb I was going for a really dry drum sound, but in the end I did have to add a bit of convolution, there is such a thing as too dry XD

    Again, thanks for all the great feedback! =)


    how did you get feedback on the guitars that easy and quickly without making it too harsh?

    how did you get feedback on the guitars that easy and quickly without making it too harsh?

    I didn’t! I used the ‘attack’ slider on the POG2 to make the notes fade in, and mixing in a bit of the 1st octave up makes it sound even more like feedback :)


    I’ve done another!

    How does this one measure up compared to the previous one? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14392951/In_the_Middle_of_the_Night.mp3

    Any/All feedback is majorly appreciated :)


    freakin awesome!!!

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