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    Hey folks,

    Here is a noob question for you …

    I made myself an effect loop box (in/out/send/return/3pdt switch/led). I added a feedback loop to the box as well.

    I used this guide : http://diyshoegazer.tumblr.com/post/3042080186/diy-guide-to-feedback-loop-pedals

    I was just wondering if any of you have some experience with feedback boxes?

    [strong]Can it break stuff?[/strong]

    I tried my Small stone in the loop, it was great!!! I tried also my POG2 but I am a bit afraid going “off road” with it.


    the only thing i would worry about is maybe your speaker in extreme cases, and your hearing. use a volume pedal after it to tame the louder frequencies that can occur when experimenting, or build a volume pot into the effect itself.


    Hey Mr. Grim.

    Thanks for the reply. Good idea about the volume pedal, I will use that while I make my experimentations. My next build will surely have a volume pot.

    I was just curious, do you have any idea why certain pedals behave the way they do into the feedback loop while others seems to do nothing? It’s related to the circuit design but “how”? Input buffer?


    honestly don’t know the answer to that, and i build and sell different models of feedback loopers.

    the buffer is a good hypothesis.

    delays and modulation work well (phase, flang, chorus)
    drive pedals are hit and miss, although if you cant get a modulation pedal to do anything, sum times it just needs a kick with a fuzz or distortion.

    envelope filters are hit and miss as well, but there really cool when they do work.

    if you have a couple dollars and want to experiment, i suggest buying a cheap multi effect pedal.

    i use the Zoom MS-50G (only $99. new or cheaper used) you can use that to experiment with everything in one pedal, and if you like sum thing you can go buy a dedicated pedal of that effect type.

    the Zoom is also a good backup in case anything your using breaks down at a gig, or you want to try/experiment with an effect type before buying one, that’s why i got one, i usually hate them but it was a good cheap emergency backup.


    Hey Mr. Grim,

    Many thanks for the good ideas. I will tell my Tonelab EX that’s your fault if he got beaten with feedback. 😆

    It’s cool talking to a builder, I also plan to sell stuff within a 1-2 years timeframe. I recently opened a fuzz box I did in 2006 to clean the pots. When I saw my signature and the date, I realized that 7 years have passed! I just turned 40 and decided to put the most time I can on my music because this is what makes me a happy man! This means jamming 2 times a week with two different bands, composing the most I can and building effects! Well … I am not quitting my dayjob anytime soon but hey … if you do nothing then nothing is happening!

    I stopped smoking a while ago and all the money that went to tobacco companies are now going on EHX effects. And I am so happy I took this decision. :cheese: EHX knows I love them! …

    I saw your page on youTube, I also found a page where you putted your boxes. How things are going? Are you in the business since a long time?

    Excuse my english btw, I am from Quebec, Canada.


    Ive been designing, building repairing, pedals, pedalboards, guitars, and small amps for aout 20 years but just locally for myself, friends, and local shops.

    Ive only been selling stuff online for about 10 years, i build more advanced stuff on request, but the vids are really old (they all look and work way better now, i need to update) and that’s for the simple stuff i build in bulk and list for sale.

    i still keep a day job, its only a hobby i enjoy for me in my spare time, the profit goes to my other hobbies like other guitar gear, horror films, and my children.


    I know what you are talking about men, I have two kids and it’s a horrible hobby 😆 I’m joking…

    Anyway it’s nice to know you, thanks for sharing these tips with the looper ;-) 20 years, looks like you are a few years ahead of me! I have built stuff but there is also so much things to learn.


    there’s always sum thing new to learn. i do research everyday out of enjoyment!

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