Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Extreme Volume issue with Stereo Clone Theory

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    Hey guys, first post.

    So i bought a used clone theory. As many of you know, there is a pretty decent amount of ground noise with this pedal up front, and i appears to increase your volume when activated. I figured, no prob, ill run it through the effects loop.

    FANTASTIC, little to no ground noise (only some when im REALLY high gain, ultraxl module on RM100), except now i have a worse problem i think. When activated in chorus 1 or chorus 2 mode, the volume DECREASES (even with my amp fx volume all the way up) and in vibrato mode the thing is way quieter. I’ve messed with the knobs but nothing fixed the volume. Otherwise the pedal seems to work fine.

    Any ideas?


    Maybe buy an lpb-1 and put it next to it and then try to turn that and the stereo clone theory on at the same time and then it will be the same volume as when its off. I’m not sure if it works good, i havent tried it yet with my flanger hoax. but that seems to be the only solution i have.


    im sorry, whats an lpb-1?


    The lpb-1 is a linear power booster. Basically when it’s on, it adds volume. So because of the volume loss with the stereo clone theory on, if you put the lpb-1 on, it will bring you volume back up to what it was before the stereo clone theory is on. When both on, it will keep the volume at the same level as when they are both off. Know what i’m trying to say? Like I said I havent gotten to try it yet on my flanger hoax(also has volume issues) because i dont have it yet. My guess is it should work. When i get it i’ll let you know.

    Heres the like to the lpb-1 page



    Try contacting the amp company
    The problem with FX loops is there isn’t really an industry standard and they all work a little differently. Maybe there’s something amp-side that can be done.

    I don’t know if using a boost in conjunction would work quite right in the loop.

    Oh- if the loop is a parallel loop, perhaps the is some phase cancellation between the clean signal and the effected signal. Try using the other output on the Clone Theory and see if that has an effect.


    Yeah tried using both outputs, sounded the same. Ive been told on the randall forums that our fx loop is for rack effects and our effects have a different power rating or something so i need a ebtech line level shifter to bring up the volume to counter it. I just hope that wont bring the ground noise back.


    If it’s before it in the chain then it shouldn’t add noise, if it’s after it, it may.

    If it’s before it in the chain then it shouldn’t add noise, if it’s after it, it may.

    ive just been told it goes before the chain. this is starting to look like a solution.

    Slightly unrelated note- is it just my ears of does the pedal really color my tone?


    It heavily colors your tone when engaged. It isn’t your ears. Chorus just tends to do that.


    i did not know that. well it sounds pretty cool so i think im keepin it so long as this lls-2 thing works.

    Yeah tried using both outputs, sounded the same. Ive been told on the randall forums that our fx loop is for rack effects and our effects have a different power rating or something so i need a ebtech line level shifter to bring up the volume to counter it. I just hope that wont bring the ground noise back.

    I must add here that I totally agree and I’m of the opinion only rack units should be used in any amps loops, pedals are designed to be used between guitar and amp and in 99% of cases I find that’s where they work best.


    this thing hums way to much when i used it up front, what else would i do about it?


    hums or hisses?

    it shouldn’t hum at all.

    unplug your guitar from the input and put the pedals output into your amp, if it doesn’t hum then it’s your guitar that’s humming.


    ive tried it on three different guitars, i dunno hum is the technical term. Ground noise. Loud, but not through the fx loop.


    have a read of this thread here, there was quite a long discussion about the noise the clone theory makes….with some replies from ehx staff.


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