Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Enigma Qballs trouble

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    I bought the Enigma Qballs pedal for my bass two days ago, and it was working fine, until about an hour ago. I can hear the clean signal going through, but when I turn on the effect and hit the bypass switch, all noise stops, and all I can hear is a buzz coming through when I play a note. If someone can please inform me on what a possible problem might be, then that will be much appreaciated.

    John J

    one time i plugged the input into the output and couldnt figure out what was wrong for two hours. i dont think you did that because it sounds like the problem just came out of nowhere whilst it was plugged in, but it’s worth mentioning.

    sometimes these things just need to be unplugged and plugged back in, like the internet, and maybe make sure you are using the power supply the pedal comes with. it maybe sounds like the pedal isnt receiving enough power, a buzz when you play a note sounds to me like a dying battery might sound.


    I’ve tried that, Plugging, unpligging, switched outlets, but still dosent work. *sigh* looks like I’m going to have to send it in. The wierd part is, when the effect it turned on, I hear the faint buzz, but I can start hearing my bass again when I turn the blend knob

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