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    I have a question: if I put a Ibanez TS808 overdrive before an English Muff’n through a solid state amp, will I recieve a tube amp identical sound?



    You might get a better response and tone than without the valve pre-amp.

    I used to try something similar using a TK-999 (12AX7) in front of a Fender Frontman 65R. Improved the hell out of my sound. Not quite a true valve sound tho.

    Then I moved the TK-999 to the effects loop… uhmmmm good with cleans, pretty mushi when boosted into overdrive.

    Then I started bypassing the preamp by going from the TK-999 straight into he return of the effects loop (Guitar -> Pedals -> TK-999 -> Return). Huge improvement and I finally could play at acceptable levels. BUT … Stil not a full valve tone.

    I guess the power amp section has a lot more to do with tone than what’s advertised by hibrid amps makers.

    Ended up buying a VOX AC4-TVH and sill use the TK-999 as part of my distortion section on my pedal board. The Fender FM65R has been demoted to being a backup amp now!



    elfiho is right, there’s nothing like power tube distortion, otherwise tube amps would be a very marginal piece of the market, if hybrid amps could really nail the sound and responsiveness that an all tube amp gives.

    That said, as a bass player, lugging around my Sunn 2000S is not always in the cards (I’m getting older), so I’ve used an LPB2-ube feeding a Sunn Concert Slave for a DIY hybrid, and been quite happy with the results. Can I tell the difference? Sure. Does 99% of the audience notice the subtle difference in bass tone? Sadly, probably not.

    Rock On,


    So… I guess the answer you’re looking for (and this is JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION) is:

    Step 1: Put the money you’d spend on the two pedals on a small tube amp (plenty of those in the market today. I own a VOX AC4TVH with a 1×12″ vox cabinet. Love it to bits!!!!).

    Step 2: Sell your current solid state amp

    Step 3: Use the money from the Solid state amp to get you a good overdrive pedal. (maybe an english muff’n).

    That should make your rig fly!!!!


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