Home Forums Help/Technical Questions English Muff’n clean/low gain?

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    I’m interested in this pedal but haven’t had a chance to try one out as I can’t find them in a nearby shop.

    Like with most overdrive/distortion devices, all the clips and demos I can find tend to focus on the mid-high gain sounds, but I’m wondering about its capabilities for low gain almost clean tones.

    Would it work, for example, for adding just a small amount of grit to a clean solid state amp? (For example a 44 Magnum…) If you know of links to any clips to these kinds of sounds, please post them.

    Oh, and hi by the way, this is my first post here…


    The simple answer is to simply replace the tubes. I have & it made the pedal even more amazing & with a lot more tones available than the stock tubes. This is my favorite O/D pedal right now, just amazing. I spend less than $20 on a few tubes & have a combo that I love.


    Folstone57 is spot on

    Folstone57 is spot on

    Brian, I assume you have the English Muff. What tubes have you tried?

    Folstone57 is spot on

    Brian, I assume you have the English Muff. What tubes have you tried?

    No I don’t have the muffin but I do have a tube black finger and a tube Wiggler and know if you put different rated tubes in them you change the tonality and power.

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