Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear English Muff’n

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    This is probably my favorite pedal of all time. The range of different tones is unbelievable. I currently have one EH12ay7 and one EH12ax7 in her.

    This thing rocks stock, but with an ax7 on board it screams. With 2 ax7’s, look out!

    I didn’t like the smooth cylindrical stock knobs, so I changed them out with some vintage grooved ones. I also changed the screws that hold the tube guard down. I replaced them with a couple of the large head hand turnable screws that held the backs on some old pc’s.



    The English Muff’n is the most overlooked and underrated pedal. It’s my main dirt pedal and I love it. I threw a couple of JJ 12AX7’s and it rocks. Roll of the guitar volume and I can get those early AC/DC sounds.

    John J

    I yearn for one of these…

    I didn’t like the smooth cylindrical stock knobs, so I changed them out with some vintage grooved ones. I also changed the screws that hold the tube guard down. I replaced them with a couple of the large head hand turnable screws that held the backs on some old pc’s.


    Do they come of easily?

    ’cause I’ve got an LPB-1 (and I’m getting an EM shortly) and I want to get me some chicken head knobs to replace the stock ones. That’s easier to see the setting, on stage.

    Do they come of easily?

    ’cause I’ve got an LPB-1 (and I’m getting an EM shortly) and I want to get me some chicken head knobs to replace the stock ones. That’s easier to see the setting, on stage.

    they do as long as you are carefull, you have to put something under the knob (flat blunt knife, screwdriver/cloth) or whatever you have around and just loosen them slowly and carefully, if you just try and rip them off this will happen!


    just take your time and be gentle until it loosens a little and you’ll have no problems.


    First of all, hello to everyone I’m new here and I have a question :D

    how do you compare the sound of 2 12AX7s to the 12AY7s? Any changes in characteristics? Maybe sounds more like JCM800 or things like that.


    The ax7s give you much more gain. I replaced one of the ay7s in my Muff’n with an ax7 and at got a lot crunchier, and much darker. I found that for very heavy sounds, setting the gain knob to noon gave me more then enough. Anything else got noisy.

    I’ve only had it in there for a little while though. I haven’t really seen everything it can do with the new configuration.

    I didn’t like the smooth cylindrical stock knobs, so I changed them out with some vintage grooved ones. I also changed the screws that hold the tube guard down. I replaced them with a couple of the large head hand turnable screws that held the backs on some old pc’s.


    Do they come of easily?

    ’cause I’ve got an LPB-1 (and I’m getting an EM shortly) and I want to get me some chicken head knobs to replace the stock ones. That’s easier to see the setting, on stage.

    I used 2 butter knives, one on each side of the shaft. I was then able to apply even pressure to both sides of the knob at once. Point the handles in opposite directions and lift both together very slowly, but firmly. I did this once to one side only, and pulled the shaft completely out of the pot. That sucked!!!


    You guys have to tell me what guitar and amps you are using….

    I love EH’s stuff (and, own a whole bunch) but, when I played an English muff’n I was not impressed…..

    I have found that a lot comes down to the guitar and amp combination…some pedals like a certain combination others do not…

    The English Muff’n is the most overlooked and underrated pedal. It’s my main dirt pedal and I love it. I threw a couple of JJ 12AX7’s and it rocks. Roll of the guitar volume and I can get those early AC/DC sounds.

    Really? when i first found EHX this was the first pedal I wanted….


    I adore this pedal……

    I think the price drives a lot of people away but it’s well worth it.

    the tube/18volt design really makes a HUGGGGGGGGGE difference


    I’m usiong an Epi Les Paul std into a PV Classic 30 and a strat into a PV VK Royal 8 with a 12″ Weber in it.

    I’m usiong an Epi Les Paul std into a PV Classic 30 and a strat into a PV VK Royal 8 with a 12″ Weber in it.

    thanks, for the info….


    Does this pedal run the tubes at high voltage like the hot tubes?

    Does this pedal run the tubes at high voltage like the hot tubes?


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