Home Forums Help/Technical Questions electroHarmonix Stereo PolyChorus Analog Flange/Chorus has no effect on output,

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  • #196803

    Hi guys,

    I turn to your experience, which I suppose could be of great help.I bought my electroHarmonix Stereo PolyChorus Analog Flange/ Chorus in 2017 at Fama Music in Santiago de Chile on February 11, 2017; A great machine, however for at least 3 years, that despite being turned on, of which I am sure since the red led lights up normally, the output does not show any sign of applying the selected effect; I opened the device and measured the pins of the main switch that applies the effect or bridges it and it seems to be ok. Does anyone have any idea what might have gone wrong? Neither effect takes effect, and as I mentioned, even if you press the footswitch that turns the effect on, I see no effect on the stereo outputs; Stay tuned to your comments.


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com
    They can help you out.

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