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    with 4 new ehx products, im willing to bet julians 1st born that there will be a proguitarshop demo on at least one

    How come the new Memory Man uses 9V, instead of 24V like the other model? Won’t that affect the sound?

    DC-DC conversion chips can give the voltage inside the unit any usable value, including 24V. SO it’s impossible to say what it’s truly running without taking it apart to see.

    This is true. 9vs could be stepped up to a higher voltage, given enough current.

    Take 25% off of MSRP to get the price it will really be.

    I’d bet my first born that the DMMTT is digitally controlled analog, just like the DXMB

    I’d also bet my first born that the nano Mistress is analog

    I reeeaaally hope it’s analog and is voiced around the EM and DEM. Hopefully there’s a trim somewhere for the color knob.

    with 4 new ehx products, im willing to bet julians 1st born that there will be a proguitarshop demo on at least one

    i hope to god its the delay or flange.

    you’ll be able to tell us is the mistress is close enough when it’s out. please let us know. :)


    The Stereo Talking Machine artwork doesn’t carry very well over distance; my other half just passed by and asked ‘what’s a Talkino?’.


    yeah they make great gear demos! but also i hope “gearmandude” does a side by side comparison on the new mistress.

    yeah they make great gear demos! but also i hope “gearmandude” does a side by side comparison on the new mistress.

    totally. those are the exact videos i check out.

    speaking of which, have you tried the neo clone? how close is it to the small clone?


    I don’t really like gearmandude’s videos. Too many blues licks, too much talking, and usually I can barely tell the difference between the similar pedals he does shoot outs with. He tries to set them all the same, instead of setting them for how each one sounds best.


    Oops, just noticed the mistress does have the color knob aka feedback. That’s a plus cause I usually set and forget the range aka depth knob. Still hope there’s a trim for it and that it’s analog and voiced off the original or I’ve just wasted all this time posting about it. I REALLY hope it’s just the first nano version with it’s big brother to be released soon with more knobs such as level, blend and stereo outs!

    I don’t really like gearmandude’s videos. Too many blues licks, too much talking, and usually I can barely tell the difference between the similar pedals he does shoot outs with. He tries to set them all the same, instead of setting them for how each one sounds best.

    Yeah i’d agree and for someone with such a prolific quantity of Gear demos and high end guitar equipment, i’d have thought he could have aquired a better recording set up by now! The quality of sound always underwhelms me.

    He also doesn’t really seem to explore the pedals for their main purpose, he just riffs into them and maybe doesn’t play to their strengths.


    Anyone seen any vids yet?


    I’ve been wondering the same thing. I thought by now we’d at least have a video or two. Even if its bad NAMM quality.


    ya, the quality of video and sound they do at namm just sucks. i understand that its gotta be one of the loudest places on earth with that many musicians there

    with 4 new ehx products, im willing to bet julians 1st born that there will be a proguitarshop demo on at least one

    i hope to god its the delay or flange.

    you’ll be able to tell us is the mistress is close enough when it’s out. please let us know. :)

    i doubt it will be the delay, i mean theyve already got the current dmm but then again this is an extreme step up from that. im guessing it will be the talking machine or the neo mistress. plus, theres already enough dmb videos from eh (although they are few but still being like father, like son) for proguitarshop to go around and do the same thing

    Anyone seen any vids yet?

    i doubt we will see any videos this soon for products coming out in a month.

    however, the killswitch being out already, im guessing they might put out a video

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