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    Electro-Harmonix Effectology, Vol.18 World Sounds By Bill Ruppert

    bill ruppert

    Below are settings for some of the sounds seen in episode: 18 World Sounds.

    With all the controls of the Germanium Big Muff set to max the unit will self oscillate.You can control the pitch of the oscillation using the volume control on your guitar. It will also generate a blast of noise with the guitar volume control near max.






    You can control the sustain of the electric sitar buzz with your guitar volume


    Same setting as the radio but adding a mod delay with repeats creates a wall of


    Harp and kalimba effect


    Thanks for watching!
    Bill Ruppert


    ugh! i hate school and blocked websites

    ugh! i hate school and blocked websites

    See, when you’re a professor, they let you have a computer where you can listen to this stuff…

    Stay in school, kids :thumb:

    Bill, this sounds amazing. Any plans to release this stuff as mp3’s? Itunes or something? It’s too good to exist just on youtube…

    Maybe EHX could offer free downloads with purchase? Like how you get the DVD of demos? Just thinkin’


    just listened. . .im blown away. . .so friggin cool!!!


    awesome as usual Bill!

    and ironic, i have been listening to samples of all the world instruments lately, for possibly purchasing sum of these instruments (as well as many odd world stringed instruments) for expanding my sounds and just for fun.

    P.S. above spammer reported!


    who? me?

    bill ruppert

    Thanks everybody for listening.

    fantomenos I do have some mp3’s up on sound click.
    I will have to get them all up there as the audio is much better than youtube.

    Mr Grim, fantastic on listening to other instruments!
    I listen to short wave radio and internet radio often.
    I LOVE figuring out what makes up the style of different cultures music.

    This week I have been listening to old radio remotes of big bands of the 1920’s-1950’s.
    I feel like a sponge when I hear things I have not heard.
    Its fun and so great for your ear and your playing.

    Its all about learning what makes up a style.
    After a while you can pinpoint elements.
    Great fun and it works for EVERY style of music there is.
    It allows you to bring more colors into your own music.
    it should be taught in schools!!!!


    no not you Jesse, there was a spam ad between our posts, but apparently it has been removed.

    bill ruppert

    I will put all MP3 audio tracks up on Soundclick soon.
    The audio is far better as an mp3 and you can download them free from Soundclick.
    Youtube uses a very poor audio compression
    I will post a link when they are up.

    Bill, this sounds amazing. Any plans to release this stuff as mp3’s? Itunes or something? It’s too good to exist just on youtube…
    Tone Doctor

    Bill, your sounds are amazing. You have inspired me to look beyond what I have been playing for 40+ years. I’m using EHX pedals now more than ever. I’m doing different styles of music and really seeing what I can get out of my guitars sonically for not only recoding, but playing live also. Keep up the great work.


    Okay, sorry bill, but the later sitar “buzz” sound was not as good as whatever the first one was you tacked onto the end of the tabla part… you know what im talking abut right? was that just the Riddle Qballs? or what were you using there? sounds nothing like the starved Gm Big Muff…. and i really really liked that sound a million times more….. please oh please tell me the secret… i will love you forever….

    bill ruppert

    Hi Alan,
    This sound you like was done with the stereo electric Mistress pedal.
    You can see the settings in the graphic above.

    The sitar melodies sounds were meant to sound more like an electric sitar rather than the acoustic version which is quite different of course.
    When you think electric sitar think songs like”hooked on a feeling”or the Stevie Wonder hit “signed sealed delivered”.
    Have fun!

    Okay, sorry bill, but the later sitar “buzz” sound was not as good as whatever the first one was you tacked onto the end of the tabla part… you know what im talking abut right? was that just the Riddle Qballs? or what were you using there? sounds nothing like the starved Gm Big Muff…. and i really really liked that sound a million times more….. please oh please tell me the secret… i will love you forever….

    Crazy, i Have one!!! it’s just i could swear i hear a short envelope… is it just the filter matrix? it’s the part where it shows you up stroking that chord on that ibanez right before the “backwards indian instruments” part

    bill ruppert

    Yes it is the Stereo Electric Mistress in the filter matrix mode.
    It’s such a great sound.
    Just make sure you use the rate control to the tune the matrix filter to the chord or key you are playing in.
    I like when the LED is in the yellow-orange color range.
    The short envelope you hear is most likely caused by the notching produced by the filter matrix.

    Crazy, i Have one!!! it’s just i could swear i hear a short envelope… is it just the filter matrix? it’s the part where it shows you up stroking that chord on that ibanez right before the “backwards indian instruments” part
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