Home Forums EHX News Electro-Harmonix Effectology, Vol.16 “Doctor Who”

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  • #103434

    When I was a kid in the 60’s I counted every day until Batman came on TV. I have not waited so much for something, since then, until Bill’s videos came along. Thank you so much Bill for ALL your superb work on these Effectology clips. Pure Genius, Sir! I watch them over & over and always find new wonder. I very much appreciate how you always give the facts about the original sounds and their creators. Again, Bill, thanks so much for these Great clips.

    Thanks man!
    The space sounds before the bass kicks in is done on two tracks.
    One is the Deluxe Memory Boy with the feedback control all the way up.
    As it oscillates I lower increase the delay and the pitches go down like a ship landing.
    The second pass used the Deluxe Memory Boy in oscillation but I left the delay knob up.
    That constant noise was feed into a Ring Thing pedal in the pitch shift mode and I
    slowly lowered the pitch or course knob.

    I have to say I LOVE the Deluxe Memory Boy.
    Its becoming a favorite of mine.


    Awesome, BUT… i’m kinda more interested in those spacey sounds before the actual Dr.Who theme… how did you do those?! :-)

    sorry, i probably wrote it wrong… i mean even before THAT… the “intro” music :)

    bill ruppert

    Hey Man thank you for that!!!!
    (I watched Batman as well…..POW)

    When I was a kid in the 60’s I counted every day until Batman came on TV. I have not waited so much for something, since then, until Bill’s videos came along. Thank you so much Bill for ALL your superb work on these Effectology clips. Pure Genius, Sir! I watch them over & over and always find new wonder. I very much appreciate how you always give the facts about the original sounds and their creators. Again, Bill, thanks so much for these Great clips.
    bill ruppert

    The front drone sound is one of my favorites.
    The sound is a HOG pedal in the freeze mode.
    I froze a C triad and manually moved the filter slider and various pitch sliders around.
    That was run through the Deluxe Memory Boy analog delay pedal with the modulation set to a chorus.
    I LOVE that sound!!!!
    Thanks for noticing it.

    Thanks man!
    The space sounds before the bass kicks in is done on two tracks.
    One is the Deluxe Memory Boy with the feedback control all the way up.
    As it oscillates I lower increase the delay and the pitches go down like a ship landing.
    The second pass used the Deluxe Memory Boy in oscillation but I left the delay knob up.
    That constant noise was feed into a Ring Thing pedal in the pitch shift mode and I
    slowly lowered the pitch or course knob.

    I have to say I LOVE the Deluxe Memory Boy.
    Its becoming a favorite of mine.


    Awesome, BUT… i’m kinda more interested in those spacey sounds before the actual Dr.Who theme… how did you do those?! :-)

    sorry, i probably wrote it wrong… i mean even before THAT… the “intro” music :)


    Thanks for posting this Bill, incredible as always.

    Everyone should watch the BBC “Alchemists of Sound” documentary from some time ago. It features all the amazing goings on at the workshop with Delia et al. Its split up into 10 minute clips by a few people below.



    Thanks, Bill!


    Your series never ceases to amaze me. I joined the EHX Forum just to tell you that.

    Thanks for the inspiring work!


    i just wanted to drop a few line to thank first of all bill for all his wonderful work in effectology and then thank him again for introducing me to Delia Derbyshire…. this lady was pure soundscaping genius, organic, sexy, WAY ahead of her time… what a treat really to get to research her and her music via EHX..thank you so much this was life changing….

    everybody check this video ASAP

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