Home Forums Help/Technical Questions El Nano Bassballs problems

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    So i have recently been getting into Ehx pedals, i have the enigma q balls, steel leather, and the nano bassball, and the only problem i have been having is with the nano bassball. I just had to order a second one because the first one broke and i hadnt filled out the warranty, i thought maybe i got a defective one the first time however, 10 minutes after playing with the new bassball it started doing the same thing the broken one was doing. They both make a horrible squel and if u say, pluck an open E string even when the distortion isnt on it sounds like someone ripping paper and its not my speakers. Also after every note i hit a laser like sound follows especially on quick hits. I have no idea if im doing something wrong or what but its really pissing me off i need this pedal for live shows, i do a lot of solos and play alot of funk so this pedal is a must. Please someone help me out if you know anything about why every time i get a bassball it breaks.


    Are you using a battery or power supply? Sounds like a low battery problem. Lots of EHX pedals start making crazy noises when the batteries are low. I have a Bassballs and have never had this problem.


    Thats the thing i thought it would be a battery problem too but i got that checked out at my local music store and that wasnt it the battery was full power. I also took the battery out and plugged it into my wall and it still was screwin up


    I’ve got a Russian re-issue Bassballs that does the “laser” sound thing. Kind of a higher pitch whine with a phaser sweeping sound, even when I’m NOT playing a note. I’m pretty sure that it just comes with the territory of an envelope filter in this price range.

    However, I’m not sure about the speaker ripping sound. That’s bad.

    Have you tested it with different cables? Pop the back off and try tweaking the little trim pots that control the center frequency for each filter. Mark them so you’ll know where the factory settings are so you can set them back later if desired. It may be that the frequency is set to a place that just doesn’t work well with your rig.

    Hint: Use a jeweler’s screwdriver (flat) and make very small turns as you play 8th notes whiles palm muted. Obviously this means playing with the back OFF the pedal itself. Once you find a center freq you like move to the other trim pot and do the same thing. They are really interactive with each other so it may take some “dialing in” time.

    This lead me to modding my bassballs with external pots so I won’t have to keep the back off all the time.

    I’ve seen pics of this mod even on the little Nano versions.

    Hope this helps?…



    Huh sounds like a good idea i didnt even kknow those existed im not to savy on electornics or pedals in general however im bout to go try ur suggestion and see what happens. thanks………

    So i tried taking the back off but what are the trim pots? the only thing i see look like tiny silver knob like things like 6 or 8 of em is that what ur talkin about?


    There are 2 internal trim pots and they are the only 2 inside. They are small and can be adjusted with a jeweler’s sized flat head screwdriver. Look for the little pieces that resemble the top of a slotted screw head. They may be white or blue? I can’t remember which color they are on the nano bassballs version. Does anyone else know? Be sure to mark where the “factory settings” are before tweaking.

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