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  • #107104
    (…) the Korg Pitchblack is a bit smaller and has true bypass (…)

    Not quite: http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/articles/tuners.htm

    Since getting my batch of EHX pedals I’ve been looking for bypass tuners for weeks. This TC Electronix made my day, I see it’s quite new. It would have been nice to have a EHX tuner, but I also think it’s nice to have some competition, it keeps EHX sharp! :D


    Kevin Demuth
    (…) the Korg Pitchblack is a bit smaller and has true bypass (…)

    Not quite: http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/articles/tuners.htm


    the Pitchblack IS true-bypass… and is stated as such in the article you linked to…


    (…) the Korg Pitchblack is a bit smaller and has true bypass (…)

    Not quite: http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/articles/tuners.htm


    the Pitchblack IS true-bypass… and is stated as such in the article you linked to…


    Oops… I don’t know how, but I managed to assume you were mentioning the “Peterson StroboStomp”, which is the pedal everyone screams is true bypass.

    My bad!


    EHX used to make a tuner. A music store I worked for in college (just over 20 years ago!) had one. I wish I had bought it when I saw it, as I’ve never seen another one! It was, of course, the coolest tuner I’ve ever seen. Rather than reading out in pitches, it gave you a numerical readout of the fundamental frequency of the pitch you played into it. Play the low A on your bass, and tune it to 55 and you’re there. Of course, you need to know the frequencies of the pitches you want to tune to, but it was perfect for doing your intonation: just check the frequency of the open string, and adjust the bridge saddle until the frequency at the 12th fret is exactly double that number.

    I’ve always wanted one.


    ooohhhh…..please anyone els have any info at all on this tuner from EH?!?!?!?!?!?!


    Couldn’t find one, not even on eBay. But that was a long time ago, and the unit was used even then. It had been made, I’m pretty sure, before EHX went out of the business of making effects pedals (before they started doing that again). “In the before time,” so to speak. But damn, would I love to have one, now.

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