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    Electro-Harmonix We just posted the inaugural issue of EHX TONE TIPS on the http://www.ehx.com blog. It’s a new series designed to provide players with cool information. Check it out.

    EHX Tone Tips – Stereo Memory Man w/Hazarai


    Haha, I love that trick.

    Also, if you were to rig up an A/B Looper pedal (with two sends and two returns and a switch switches which pair) you could record separate loops and switch between them.


    Great idea(s)! Nothing like some thinking around the box. How about some tips on increasing the number of SMMH memory presets? I look forward to the EHX Tone Tip series with great joy!


    hey julian can you just explain that looper thing with the two loops in more detail, for a complete idiot :)?
    i have a hazarai and sounds great….


    Well you could do it a couple different ways:

    two AB pedals like the Switchblade. Plug the pedal you want to plug into the Hazarai into the input of your AB pedal. Then plug the A/B out into the Left and Right In.

    Now take the second AB pedal and plug the L and R outs into the A/B outs, and then plug the 2nd AB’s input into your amp.

    Switching the First A/B pedal switches which loop you record to, switching the second one switches which loop is playing.

    Some companies have made Loop Selectors. The function of these pedals is so that you could plug one pedal into each loop and switch directly from one pedal to another with one switch. Very useful for switching from a clean to a dirty sound if your clean sound has any effects you don’t want on your dirty sound.

    If you want to, you could probably make a loop selector yourself:

    Read these articles:

    None of them have a loop selector, but I am sure you could learn enough about stompswitches from them to figure it out!


    Haha, I love that trick.

    Also, if you were to rig up an A/B Looper pedal (with two sends and two returns and a switch switches which pair) you could record separate loops and switch between them.

    Can you? I wouldn’t have thought that was possible as the looper is recording in stereo all the time regardless isn’t it?


    hi julian thanks for explaining that, im going to go away and think about it, but what i don’t understand is:
    i thought the hazarai only could have one loop playing/recording at any given time, that when you want a new loop you have to switch the old one off with that annoying right click/left click thing?


    Well technically you’re just hard panning between two sides of a stereo loop. The loop length would be the same and both will be constantly running.

    You can try this out manually plugging and replugging connections.

    With external routing there’s a bunch of neat stuff you can do.


    Just tried this tonight.
    Get Double your Memory

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