Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear EHX talking Pedal isue, no response from EHX staff since April – disappointment

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    just like the guy nicknamed dyinamericanstyle i got a problem with EHX Talking Pedal as it makes a ton of noise when turned on. I dont have a noise gate, but the guy has and it doesn’t help.

    Below is the short clip to my recording – talking pedal keeps buzzing all time long, while it should only “talk”…

    supposed to be “media overkill” intro riff

    OK, cut me some slack and spare me commenst how much i suck on guitar, just tell me what do do, cause I don’t believe that such noise is normal situation. Thanks in advance to anyone eager to give any feedback.

    Here is the original thread from April:


    The EH Man

    Couple of questions:
    1) have you tried putting the pedal in front of the amp instead of through the effects loop?

    2) What are you powering the pedal with?



    I am using power supply and the noise occurs whether the effect is in the loop or alone. When the gain (I mean fuzz) ia at low levels it is not as noisy, but it still sounds very bad, while when the gain is turned up (starting from about 7-8) the pedal starts to buzz. Frankly speaking the whole thing makes the pedal practically useless.

    The EH Man

    I’m afraid I can’t offer any more help on that problem. I’m not an EHX employee and I don’t have a Talking Pedal of my own to compare.

    From your video clip it sounds like a grounding problem.


    Wow sorry you are having an issue.

    It sounds like pickup hum from your guitar.
    If you turn your guitar volume knob down all the way is the hum there?
    If not its just hum from your guitar.
    It will change if you move your guitar.
    The distortion in the Talking Pedal is a fuzz.
    Like ANY fuzz it will pick up any noise around your guitar.
    That is just science.

    If not:
    Please write info@ehx.com
    That is the link to the service guys.


    just like the guy nicknamed dyinamericanstyle i got a problem with EHX Talking Pedal as it makes a ton of noise when turned on. I dont have a noise gate, but the guy has and it doesn’t help.

    Below is the short clip to my recording – talking pedal keeps buzzing all time long, while it should only “talk”…

    supposed to be “media overkill” intro riff

    OK, cut me some slack and spare me commenst how much i suck on guitar, just tell me what do do, cause I don’t believe that such noise is normal situation. Thanks in advance to anyone eager to give any feedback.

    Here is the original thread from April:


    Wow sorry you are having an issue.

    It sounds like pickup hum from your guitar.
    If you turn your guitar volume knob down all the way is the hum there?
    If not its just hum from your guitar.
    It will change if you move your guitar.
    The distortion in the Talking Pedal is a fuzz.
    Like ANY fuzz it will pick up any noise around your guitar.
    That is just science.

    Wow, does it mean that i have to switch off my amp overdrive as a noise source? Cause few minutes back i did so and it sounded much better. But… shouldn’t it be possible to mix amp overdrive with fuzz?

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