Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX SuperSwitcher has Er0 on display

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  • #196806
    Chris Piman

    I have had the EHX SuperSwitcher for a year or so and it’s been great until recently. Mysterious loop issues. Now I power it on to rehearse, and it has an Er0 in the display and nothing I have done will solve.
    Powered off and on, no change.
    Removed all cables from the loops, no change.
    Reset to factory defaults, no change.
    Took bottom cover off and disconnected the foot switches, no change.
    I pretty much have a boat anchor (small boat).

    I have a show in 7 days and if I can’t get this resolved in 24 hrs, I’m going to have to purchase a different manufacture switcher to get me going. If that is the case, then no more EHX for this customer.

    Please help if you can. Thanks.*


    Chris Sorry!
    Please write the techs on Monday at info@ehx.com
    If you do not hear back please check your spam folder as sometimes our mail winds up there.


    Tell me if you solved your problem. Because I faced the same problem recently but never solved it


    Please write the techs on Monday at info@ehx.com

    Chris Piman

    Well… I got the problem solved by uploading the latest FW to the switcher.

    You’ll need a USB to MIDI IN and OUT cable. I got one on Amazon cheap ($15), the latest FW, a SysEx transfer app, and the instructions.

    Thanks to the EHX team for sending me the FW and instructions to do this. It was super easy.

    Incidentally, the new FW also fixed the common issue of defaulting to no patches selected if you accidentally switch between banks while playing (easy to do because the buttons are close together). Now you can switch between banks and select a patch without getting a completely clean tone with no loops active. Makes the switcher much more usable.

    Too bad I had to purchase another brand switcher to play a show last weekend. Now I will need to sell one of the switchers.
    SuperSwitcher will be sold for $300 if someone wants it.
    The other brand will be sold for $749. If anyone is interested in this one, you’ll need to post your email in this thread so I can contact you separately.

    Thanks again EHX team for solving this so I wasn’t holding onto a boat anchor.

    Merry Christmas All.


    Can you send me everything they sent you?


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com

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