Home Forums Vintage EHX EHX Q Tron Plus – Problem

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  • #81443

    Hello, good people!

    I just went to London and bought an EHX Q Tron Plus. It’s the old design, with the big, flat and flashy box. Well, I bought the pedal in a “vintage guitar”-shop I Denmark street. It did not come with a power supply, so I got the thing for 70 pounds. The first thing I did was to buy a power supply I got presented by a Norwegian musician forum. It works and the box powers up… I opened the box and was a bit disappointed. Several parts were not in the right place or not properly installed. Anyways, I fixed it.

    The big problem now is that when I play with the effect, the sound becomes very low. If I have the Q Tron in “normal”, the sound is so low, you can’t hear it. I need to put it in “boost”, and gain to the max, to even hear some sound. The “Overload” light lights up all the time, even in normal mode, and in some way lower the sound. If I wait some seconds, not playing, and I then play one note really fast, it comes through, but then the “overload”-light lights up again fast
    I’ve used my Fender JB MIA and a FLEABASS.

    Does anybody know anything about this problem, or know how I can fix this…?

    Greetings from Norway
    – Axel

    Ps. NO mods were made. I only fixed loose parts and stuff…

    The EH Man

    What’s the voltage of the AC adapter you’re using?


    It’s 24V
    Does it matter if it’s DC?

    The EH Man
    It’s 24V
    Does it matter if it’s DC?

    It needs to be DC.

    The EH Man

    Sounds like it’s got some other problems. I’d take it to a tech.


    Hello. I figured how I could Get it to work propperly! If I use a jack-cable between FX send and return, it works. Could it be some wireing problem?

    The EH Man

    Your Send or Return jack may not be making a good contact when there’s no plug inserted.

    Your Send or Return jack may not be making a good contact when there’s no plug inserted.

    I have the same problem fx loop what can i do?

    it+ s posible To make the LED light only when the effect is on
    I see that in the q tron people do it. but the plus has another wiring.


    What does send return not making good contact mean? I have discovered the same thing. It only works when the send and return are jumpered

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