Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics EHX Pedal Favorite Settings

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  • #78857

    Hey i was wondering if we could get all the settings that you use in one thread.

    if you could include which pedal it is, and possibly some pictures that would be awesome.

    there are also some pedals out there that i cant find settings for in the tips, tricks page so this would be the place to share and talk about our settings and why you like it that way.

    my settings are
    Ehx English Muff’n
    volume- 9-12o’clock
    gain – 12 – full
    low 7-9 o’clock
    mid – 9-10
    high 11

    Stereo Electric Mistress
    rate -9-3oclock
    flanger depth 7-12
    chorus 11-full

    Holy Grail Original
    Spring – 12oclock
    Hall 11-3’oclock
    Flerb – N/A

    Blend 10-11
    Delay Time 12-Full
    Feedback 10-3



    small clone- switch is up and rate around 11 oclock

    big muff pi- vol 10 oclock tone 3 oclock sustain 3:30

    flanger hoax- way too many favorite settings!

    and i can’t remember my microsynth settings but theres a lot that i like.


    i posted a comment on here a while ago and on HCF about getting a reverby sound through the DMM

    what settings will i need to do this ?
    im getting it in the next few weeks

    well DMM XO


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