Home Forums The Lounge EHX Pedal Abbreviations / Shorthand

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  • #82003

    Hey all – I’ve been wondering if anybody has a list of the EHX pedal name shorthand ‘codes’ (I guess you’d call them); things like SMMH, BBMP, etc. Just curious – I think they’re convenient, and they appeal to the minimalist in me. :]


    Well, obviously they’re just abbreviations derivated from their names, for example, BMP stands for “big muff pi” OM – octave multiplexer, and so on. it’s not just an ehx thing, people often abbreviate pedals just by their first letter, like sho (super hard on) TTE (tube tape echo) etc. . they sure are convenient! use them wisely. there is no list.


    Acceptable! Thank you.


    Here’s the ones I can think of

    FA = frequency analyzer
    SMMH = stereo memory man with hazarai
    DMM = deluxe memory man
    DMB = deluxe memory boy
    DMMTT = deluxe memory man tap tempo
    XO = XO series of pedals, as opposed to the big box version
    DMMTT550 = deluxe memory man tap tempo 550ms
    BMP = Big Muff Pi
    BMPTW = Big Muff Pi with tone wicker
    BBM = Bass Big Muff
    G4BMP = Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi
    DEM = Deluxe Electric Mistress
    SEM = Stereo Electric Mistress
    SCT = Stereo Clone Theory


    BFF = Bi Filter Forever. Amazing how many tweens are into the Bi Filter.
    RT = Ring Thing. amazingly popular on twitter; they’re all about the sideband modulation.
    BM = Bass Metaphors. something everyone should have every morning.
    DM = Double muff. Typically required to play dungeons & dragons.
    GOD = Germanium Overdrive. Respected by many musicians that also use the DMM to sound like U2.
    WTF = White Finger compressor. Often used for expressing disbelief that so many musicians use one.

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