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    I keep seeing on ebay the boss vb-2 vibrato going for ridiculous prices and i was thinking why dont ehx do a nano vibrato pedal i think it would be a great idea does anyone else?????


    vibrato is just a fast chorus. so I guess EHX just came out with a nano “vibrato” pedal, via the Neo Clone.


    hey cryabetes (dude i love your name) i thought vibrato was up and down in pitch while chorus was up and down in pitch with a dry signal


    nope. vibrato can blend in dry signals too. flange is also in the same camp but it has a quicker delay time (generally around 14-20ms).


    I am aware that vibrato is basically chorus speeded up! my reason why i would like to see a ehx nano vibrato pedal is i am a big fan of blur guitarist graham coxon who is famed for his use of the boss vb-2 vibrato i love his use of this effect on the intro to one of blurs great tracks chemical world i just cant replicate this with a chorus pedal it sounds ok and i dont like the xo clone theory!


    well, the chorus effect, takes pitch vibrato and blends it with your dry signal, so in turning up the speed on a chorus pedal will only make a fake, leslie sound, not true pitch vibrato, if u want a cheap pitch vibrato, check out the boss ce-3, if you set it to the stereo mode, pitch vibrato will come out of the A output. But an ehx vibrato pedal would be waaayyy cooler!


    I would buy the Worms vibrato alone in a nano box, I love that effect, but the other effects…not as much.

    Kevin Demuth
    vibrato is just a fast chorus. so I guess EHX just came out with a nano “vibrato” pedal, via the Neo Clone.

    I’ve heard people say this before but I have no idea where this idea comes from.

    I suppose, sometimes, a fast chorus can sound vibrato-like; particularly when the chorus is quite deep as your ear is drawn to the modulated signal… but it’s still not true vibrato.

    [If fast chorus = vibrato, then why doesn’t a slow vibrato = chorus?]

    * * *

    Many ‘stereo’ choruses (if they have wet and dry outputs) can be tricked into being a vibrato, just by putting a dummy jack in the direct output…

    Lots of other chorus pedals have a mix control (Danelectro Cool Cat CC-1, Pearl CH-02, some DODs, some Guyatones etc) so you can set it 100% wet.

    * * *

    With my old Small Clone, I modded it my adding a toggle switch to choose chorus or vibrato – all you have to do is break the connection on one resistor to get true, 100% vibrato.


    ^^^^oh so we who waisted time on the nano clone do have a new use for it! we can mod it to be a nano vibrato and place it next to our new neo clone!

    although i dont like modding a pedal if its the only one i have, nano clones are real cheap on ebay.

    can you fill us in on that mod?!?!

    Kevin Demuth
    ^^^^oh so we who waisted time on the nano clone do have a new use for it! we can mod it to be a nano vibrato and place it next to our new neo clone!

    although i dont like modding a pedal if its the only one i have, nano clones are real cheap on ebay.

    can you fill us in on that mod?!?!

    It was for a Small Clone (not Nano clone), but all you have to do is take the 22k resistor (I think it’s R18) out of the circuit…
    this removes the dry signal giving vibrato…

    I put a mini toggle switch in series to disconnect the resistor whenever I wanted.

    * * *

    So, you could probably do something similar with the Nano Clone, you’d just have to find the part of the circuit where the dry/wet signals are mixed.


    EHX do need to do something like the Malekko omnicron vibrato, but that runs at 18v or more doesn’t it? EHX seem adamant that all their new range be 9v. Still, a dedicated vibrato would be pretty cool. Rise, Rate and Depth controls and an expression out perhaps?


    +1 for true pitch shift vibrato!

    That Malekko Omicron Vibrato sounds ridiculously glorious! Uses 9V but can take 12V for more head room.

    I am certain EHX could take it head on!

    vibrato is just a fast chorus. so I guess EHX just came out with a nano “vibrato” pedal, via the Neo Clone.

    Vibrato isn’t chorus, because chorus has clean signal. Vibrato = chorus minus the clean signal at any speed

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