Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX Memory Man with Hazarai – Tone and slight volume drop when activated is normal?

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    Hi Guys,

    Got my MMH a couple days ago, brand new from the dealer, and after reading the reviews out there I don’t know if there’s a problem with my unit or if it is known, and accepted, for this to happen with this pedal.

    Everything works flawlessly and I’m loving it so far. The only thing that annoys me is that there’s a small volume drop when I activate it and most important the tone looses bass, not much, but enough to be very noticeable.

    per example, in loop mode. All settings at 12o’clock except repeats full clockwise, as stated in the manual. Pedal bypassed, sound ok, pedal activated, ready to record the loop at the press of the left switch, immediate tone change and slight volume drop.

    I only found one review stating that this happened with one unit, all the others are highly ranked and no comments on this subject.

    So any info if this is supposed and acceptable to happen, or did I get a unit with a problem?




    The slight volume loss is normal if you have the blend halfway up. As you turn the blend clockwise, you’re decreasing the volume of the dry signal and increasing that of the effect. I usually have it at around 10:00, which gives me a good balance. I haven’t noticed any tone loss on my pedal but that might be just that I’m not as discerning about tone as you are.


    same here….haven’t noticed any tone change but theres definitely a volume drop…..i love EHX there number 1 in my book, but unfortunately sum of there pedals do that. i use an LPB-1 with pedals that have a volume drop and use a switch pedal like the Switchblade to turn both of the pedals on and off together.


    Yep, mine has a slight volume drop & tone change even with the blend set at 100% dry. I can live with thee slight tonal change, but I wish someone would come up with a fix for the volume drop. That one thing really spoils an otherwise perfect pedal.

    I love the delay settings with the repeats washed out a bit. No need for additional reverb, just the pedal by itself does it.


    I have two hazarai pedals, with exact the same settings, one has a volume drop, the other one doesn’t…:-(


    I found it! My pedals where in a daisy-chain and blend knob was not fully counterclockwize. So with a seperate power supply and blend knob counterclockwize: problem solved!

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