Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback EHX Mellotron Pedal?

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  • #121335

    i hear it coming




    I think the new Mel9 is great. One problem I have with it though is the fx knob. I hate kneeling to change fx through out my playing. It would be great if the next model would come with a footswitch to change the fx. Or does anyone know if this can be done as a special mod to the pedal? thanks.

    M. R. Ogle

    Do the EH guys rock or what? THANK YOU!
    Mel 9 !!!


    Thanks We love the Mel9 as well!
    Nothing else like it in the world.


    I recently purchased the Mel9 and I’m very disappointed with it. While the sounds are mostly good the modulation becomes very annoying. I’m trying to layer it with my guitar to have a nice pad behind my guitar. I think this pedal really needs some controls on it to adjust the modulation speed and depth. In it’s current state I probably won’t be able to use it.


    Sorry you do not like it.
    Thousands of people do.
    Good chance you would not like a real Mellotron as it has the same modulation.


    Wow. Did you actually consider how this would come across before you posted it? Outside of the first line your comment sounds rather snarky and condescending, especially to someone who purchases your products. Why do you have an ideas or suggestions part of your forum if you don’t want to listen to your customers? I get the fact that you were emulating the Mellotron and I DO know what it sounds like. I actually like quite a few EHX pedals and was trying to give some input in hopes that you might come up with another pedal in this family/style of pedals that would better suit my needs and probably the needs of many others. In fact, your C9 pedal takes the Mellotron flute sound and has the mod control like I’m asking for on the mel9 pedal. I know I didn’t mention specific pedal ideas outside the mod controls but in light of your other pedals (Key9, b9, c9) I’d like to see a pedal that just layers a nice variety of pads with the guitar. It would be nice to have some sort of controls over release (sustain), attack and mod speed/depth controls (or even some EQ shaping controls). A pedal like this would be very useful for the kind of music I do.


    I’m having some trouble with my Pedal. I purchased in April and have only used a few times. I plugged it in last night and the effect channel is not working, no sound except a click at a regular interval of approximately 20 seconds. The dry channel works fine. I did not register the warranty within 10 days so I’m not sure what the can do. Any ideas? Tips? Thanks in advance.

    I’m having some trouble with my Pedal. I purchased in April and have only used a few times. I plugged it in last night and the effect channel is not working, no sound except a click at a regular interval of approximately 20 seconds. The dry channel works fine. I did not register the warranty within 10 days so I’m not sure what the can do. Any ideas? Tips? Thanks in advance.

    Wow sorry that does NOT sound right!
    Are you using the EHX power supply?
    If so please contact the service techs they can help you.
    You do not have to register for your warranty.
    Again sorry for your trouble.


    9-5 M-F NYC time


    I’m having some trouble with my Pedal. I purchased in April and have only used a few times. I plugged it in last night and the effect channel is not working, no sound except a click at a regular interval of approximately 20 seconds. The dry channel works fine. I did not register the warranty within 10 days so I’m not sure what the can do. Any ideas? Tips? Thanks in advance.

    Wow sorry that does NOT sound right!
    Are you using the EHX power supply?
    If so please contact the service techs they can help you.
    You do not have to register for your warranty.
    Again sorry for your trouble.


    9-5 M-F NYC time


    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR QUICK RESPONSE!! I really appreciate it. I am using the EHX power supply, and I have just emailed the techs. I love the pedal aside from this issue. Thank you for such great customer support!

    I’m having some trouble with my Pedal. I purchased in April and have only used a few times. I plugged it in last night and the effect channel is not working, no sound except a click at a regular interval of approximately 20 seconds. The dry channel works fine. I did not register the warranty within 10 days so I’m not sure what the can do. Any ideas? Tips? Thanks in advance.

    Wow sorry that does NOT sound right!
    Are you using the EHX power supply?
    If so please contact the service techs they can help you.
    You do not have to register for your warranty.
    Again sorry for your trouble.


    9-5 M-F NYC time


    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR QUICK RESPONSE!! I really appreciate it. I am using the EHX power supply, and I have just emailed the techs. I love the pedal aside from this issue. Thank you for such great customer support!

    Sometimes peoples emails go into the EHX spam folder SO if you hear nothing PLEASE write me here and I will make sure are answered by the techs.
    Sorry for your trouble.

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