Home Forums Help/Technical Questions ehx hazarai broken switch, still there after replacing switch.

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    The hazarai have has been cutting out, when going back to bypass the signal comes out almost muted.

    I replaced the switch months ago, and strangely the problem has returned. It seems unlikely to be the switch as although they aren’t the most expensive i have used tons of the same batch making a true bypass looper that has seen more use than this, and this is the first with problems.

    I shall test the switch with a meter at some point, but is it likely to be an internal problem with the pedal wiring, perhaps due to triggering something digital or a relay? how would ehx handle this, i think its too old for a replacement especially after doing work myself but would they repair it?

    thanks- p.s. it can go in that true bypass loop, but to erase loops you still need to step on the switch for the erase function!

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