Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics EHX Guitar-Pedals for Bass ?

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    Cheers everybody !
    I’m from germany and new to the forum, but I’m excited about the following:

    Would you recommend any EHX Guitar-Pedals for playing Bass Guitar ?

    By now I play a Bassball plus a Big Muff Pi when I play the Bass. And I love it. I experiment a lot with my sound and would love to upgrade it with different types of sound. Maybe something more “electric”, funky or “futuristic”. Don’t know how to explain right. I recently bought a Memory Boy (for guitar) and just plugged it in the bass and the sound fits Bass really good and gives my a new dimension. So I thought, maybe here I can get some input on guitar-pedals from EHX (or other stuff), that makes sense or can be usefull for Bass as well.

    Thoughts ?

    Thanks for replies.


    Thanks for posting man !

    But, the first one is the Enigma. An envelope filter (like Riddle Q) build for bass guitar.

    And the second one, is especially made for bass too … and I already knew both of them. The vids are on the EHX site, too. But thanks for mentioning.

    I’m looking more for tips if there are usefull e-guitar pedals from EHX for bass-guitar … but thanks buddy.


    From what you are saying the Small Stone would fit nicely with the delay. (either that or that i’m listening to hole in my life :lol:)


    For my bass playing I use the:
    nano Small Stone
    XO Clone Theory (on all the time)
    Metal Muff (has to be the big one with the mid knob, otherwise you’ll get lost in the mix)

    Any delays/reverbs/tremolos etc are time-based, so the bass frequencies won’t be a problem at all.

    From what you are saying the Small Stone would fit nicely with the delay. (either that or that i’m listening to hole in my life :lol:)

    :thumb: I had the Small Stone on my radar, too ! Thanks for answering.

    I’ve listened to the demos here on EHX. But, I wasn’t sure about it … You use the Small Stone alone or in line with other effects ?

    For my bass playing I use the:
    nano Small Stone
    XO Clone Theory (on all the time)
    Metal Muff (has to be the big one with the mid knob, otherwise you’ll get lost in the mix)

    Any delays/reverbs/tremolos etc are time-based, so the bass frequencies won’t be a problem at all.

    Thanks for posting ! :metal:

    Like I said above. I thought about a Small Stone, too. And I already use a Bassball. Too bad my old Bassball doesn’t work anymore. But I’m highly interested in the Micro-POG and XO Clone Theory. Is the micro-POG enough or would you rather go with POG2 ? And, can you tell me a bit more about the XO Clone Theory ? Thanks in advance.


    No problem, I’m always happy to talk gear and brag about my signal chain. ;)

    In order then:

    a) I love the Small Stone, I didn’t need a phaser with a bunch of bells and whistles. Typically, I put it after fuzz (I use a Bluebeard, but obviously any flavor Muff will work) for slow, sludgey bridge parts.

    2) The Micro-POG is enough for me, I typically blend in some sub-octave for a thicker sound, or sometimes I use the octave up to get a twangy 8-string sound. In one of my projects I do upper-octave only into a metal muff to do the guitar solo on “Paranoid”. People who know music flip out, since they have no idea how I’m doing the solo with a bass (fretless even!). The POG2 has a lot more features, but 2-octaves down isn’t really usable on bass. I do wish Micro-POG had presets, but what can you do…

    3) The Clone Theory is a polarizing pedal, either you love it or hate it. The downside? It’s pretty noisy, and adds a noticeable bit of volume. Live, I just have it on all the time, and the noise is negligible compared to the noisy club. For recording you basically have to put a noise-gate on it. It doesn’t sound like other chorus pedals I’ve ever heard, it’s really distinctive. To see if it’s a sound you’ll like, you might listen to some of Peter Hook’s work with Joy Division and early New Order, Clone Theory is a fundamental part of his sound.

    Putting all these together? bass->Micro-POG->fuzz->Small Stone->Clone Theory->Sunn Amp gives me a brutally thick sound that turns heads. Best of luck putting together your sound. Let us know how it goes! :rawk:


    Thanks fantomenos ! Really, THANK you. It’s a pleasure to read some quality input.

    It’s a lot to check out for. Though … I can already say, I’m a huge Chorus fan. So the Clone theory with it’s many possibilities is highly likely to be added to my equipment (thought about nano Clone for a while), if my money let’s me. Right now I sometimes work with the Memory Man on bass. Gives me great opportunity to play more on dark-mysterious atmosphere on very slow and calm parts, with my 5 String Warwick. And I love that. But it is getting pretty noisy, too. And it’s nothing you just let in all the time. Also I don’t like the sound come slapping parts. So I’ll maybe first try to find a Dealer were I can play it for short …

    The Small Stone sounds like a Must-Have. And I don’t have it 😥 I love to add new dimensions to my bass play and don’t only want to play “classic”-bass-sounds-only either. I don’t need that bunch of bells and whisteling too … so the Small Stone looks like a wise addition. And it’s not even that expensive.

    The POG2 or MicroPog is something I’m really not sure about. Though I’d like to your “Paranoid”-Solo on bass :clap: :rawk: I’m not sure yet, of how much of a use I would have of it. I liked the more features on the POG2, but two octaves seems useless for my play. So, I think I’ll save my money on that one. The MircoPog though still stays on my list and remains interesting to me, but I’ll possibly give the the both two above a try first …

    Btw: I use a Riddle-Q-Balls on my electric Guitar. Still trying to find something nice for bass on that one

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