Home Forums EHX News EHX Electro-Harmonix Effectology, Vol.17 Transforming Guitar to Bass

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  • #116508
    bill ruppert

    By all means experiment but I think the pedal where the LPB-1 is needs to be clean.
    Its job is jut to boost the signal up to a level the mod input can use.
    A compressor pedal turned up in volume would work there as well.

    You could add the Big Muff after the Ring Thing for more distortion, that would sound great.
    Good luck and have fun!

    Question; as a bass player myself and wanting to get the wicked sound you have in the Ring Thing demo with a bit more OOMF, would a Bass Big Muff set to a high gain level cause any tracking issues due to harmonic saturation? My Ring Thing is in the mail, and watching this vid sold me on the self-tune effect, but i’m unsure if the distortion will confuse the heck out of it.

    Edit to clarify, the BBM would be replacing the LPB1 in the feedback chain.


    Similar question, would an octave pedal such as a microsynth or a POG generate tracking issues? as long as all the frequencies are multiplicative to the octave I can’t imagine there being a problem.

    Also, gorgeous work in all your demoes. Recently moved to chicago myself for university, and i have to say the atmoshere here does have a creative energy to it! Certainly has helped me try some wild new ideas musically.

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