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  • #80890

    so every time i get on here, i go through the main page to make sure im not missin anything. then i click the ehx community tab and move down 2 spaces to click forums. from there i continue on to do whatever so. well i cant do that now because its apparently more necessary for people to know what other brand pedals you can use with some ehx adaptor than it is for me to not have to move down another space. im furious! im outraged by this monstrosity! well thats all


    I lol’d.

    The EH Man

    Want some cheese with that whine?


    so every time i get on here, i go through the main page to make sure im not missin anything. then i click the ehx community tab and move down 2 spaces to click forums. from there i continue on to do whatever so. well i cant do that now because its apparently more necessary for people to know what other brand pedals you can use with some ehx adaptor than it is for me to not have to move down another space. im furious! im outraged by this monstrosity! well thats all

    Use your hot link bar in Chrome or Firefox or whatever you use. Drag the forums up there, then edit it and take out the name so then it’s only the icon. I’ve got a whole row of icons for all my important links.


    c’mon Ron dont mention cheese! i dont want to see a nother whole post turning to the dedication of cheese! as much as i love it myself, this is not the place!…….lol


    as Julian sed, i also use firefox, and you can open multiple sites within the same window (tabs) i have a high speed connection, and leave my computer on all the time, so i allways have a tab open to the EH forums!


    ill think about it. then i will bitch some more

    Ned Flanders
    so every time i get on here, i go through the main page to make sure im not missin anything. then i click the ehx community tab and move down 2 spaces to click forums. from there i continue on to do whatever so. well i cant do that now because its apparently more necessary for people to know what other brand pedals you can use with some ehx adaptor than it is for me to not have to move down another space. im furious! im outraged by this monstrosity! well thats all

    Use your hot link bar in Chrome or Firefox or whatever you use. Drag the forums up there, then edit it and take out the name so then it’s only the icon. I’ve got a whole row of icons for all my important links.

    Same, all my most used links.


    were the gem bullet points always there or are those new?
    are they xmas ornaments?

    c’mon Ron dont mention cheese! i dont want to see a nother whole post turning to the dedication of cheese! as much as i love it myself, this is not the place!…….lol

    not again… 😆


    theyre new. they also moved the forum section down one more!!! IM SO MAD!!! (not really)


    As if this all wasn’t bad enough there are now strange red orbs spacing the tabs out which are unfamiliar to me and may scare me off the site alltogether.

    As if this all wasn’t bad enough there are now strange red orbs spacing the tabs out which are unfamiliar to me and may scare me off the site alltogether.

    yeah, I think we should stop browsing the site :poke:

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
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