Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX Big Muff Pi W/ Tone Wicker (The Green One) only kinda works?

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  • #86347

    Hey guys,
    I’m having a really weird issue with my Big Muff Pedal. So it used to work perfectly (I got the pedal new I think about 8 months ago and was really new to pedals). Really loved how the pedal sounded. One day I went to engage the pedal and the output signal was very quiet (barely audible) and not distorted at all. I turned the pedal off and on again w/o changing anything and it was playing like normal. I figured it was a one-off issue, but I kept getting the issue. It went from happening 1/10th of the time to 1/2 to now, where the weird low volume, not distorted thing happens every time I turn the pedal on. I can’t get the pedal to distort or be a regular volume (even if I max the output + sustain, it is still very quiet and not distorted). I’d open the pedal up, but I’m no pedal genius like a lot of you guys are so I wouldn’t be able to spot anything unless the issue was really obvious (and even then I wouldn’t be able to fix it anyway). I’m using a 9v one spot ( – center, + outside, so compatible with the pedal) and removed the battery in the pedal so I don’t think its a power issue. I’ve tried swapping what lead I use to power the pedal, no change. Tried changing the pedal out with another pedal from the board but the big muff had the same issue in another spot in the signal chain (while the other pedal was working fine in the Muff’s usual spot). Unfortunately, since I was so new to pedals, I didn’t realize I should’ve registered the pedal with EHX within the 10-day time limit so RIP the warranty.

    I’d be able to get some readings or do some really easy fixes if you guys have any advice

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