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    Something that could simply power any EHX pedal without need for a single wall wart would be a god-send. Multiple isolated 9v outputs would be needed too.



    I just signed up today to suggest this. I could do without the 9v option, because there are many solutions to that, but I’d really like to do away with the multiple wall warts. So, how about it? I need to power a HOG, a Flanger Hoax and, sooner or later a 2880. If it could power some of my other brand “wallwart eaters· (Pigtronix Attack Sustain, Ibanez HT999) It would really solve some big problems for me but still, from a strict EH perspective you couldn’t go wrong.

    Which EH pedals in the current line require no standard (ie, not 9v negative) power??? There’s quite a few isn’t there. So by making these EH would even save cost by NOT including the associated adapters in these particular pedals… I mean Id much rather buy one that works for them all and forget about the wall warts!!!


    yes a multi output EH power supply would be great!


    Ah, hey, an European version, please!!!!


    frequency analyzer is 40vdc
    hum debugger is 7.5 vac
    2880, holiest grail, 16 second delay, and HOG are 9LDC (not sure what that means
    tube pedals are all 12ac
    holier grail, pog, and flanger hoax all use 18vdc
    deluxe memory man, stereo polyphase, Qtron, Qtron +, Worm, deluxe electric mistress, and the analog stereo memory man all use 24vdc


    mm, do we start collecting signatures or what???

    What do you think would be a feasible configuration for an EH power supply????


    This would be so useful.

    Very very good idea :D


    Umm, I’m gonna have a look at people’s pedalboards posted here, to kind of arrive at some sort of AVERAGE for what the power supply would need to feed. But hey! If you wanna save me the trouble and post your EH power requirements here, we might work out a happy medium faster!!!

    I’d need

    2 9LCD (HOG/2880)
    1 18vdc (Flanger Hoax)
    1 AC12V (For an Ibanez Tube King…. yeah, I know, but we can pretend its a Tube Zipper for arguments sake!!!)

    That’s me taken care off, but I bet that the 24v option will b a big draw (no pun intended) with the number of memory mans (memory men?) that are around.


    sounds like a great idea…

    It’s seems a bit pointless creating an outlet on it that will only be of use for one pedal (hum debugger for example)

    but a selection of 24v (deluxe memory man, stereo polyphase, Qtron, Qtron +, Worm etc) 18v (holier grail, pog, and flanger hoax) and 12v ac (for tube pedals) and some regular 9v, seems like it would be very handy, especially if it came with all the connecting leads etc.

    oh….and if you could run a Digitech whammy off it, EVEYONE would want it….I kid you not!!


    it’d have to have 40v for the frequency analyzer and big box graphic fuzz!


    It must be christened… THE ELECTRO-JUICER!…

    But wait! Would these guys sue?? http://www.allproducts.com/manufacture100/edco/product5.html


    With flexibility for vintage effects, please. Say, an 18v Electric Mistress.


    My main concern would be with the size of such a power supply, especially for powering 12VAC pedals. They’re running off of 1A supplies.

    Perhaps a supply with multiple 9VDC outputs (isolated a plus, because of pedals like the Nano Muff and Bass Blogger), two 24VDC outputs (isolated as well), a single 12VAC output (how many of you REALLY own more than one tube-loaded EHX pedal? :p), and a fourth type of output which is switchable to power the more unusual ones like the Frequency Analyzer, yet be flexible enough to run some other weirdly-powered pedal, too.

    And it should come with wheels, because an isolated-output supply of this grade of flexibility won’t be very small.

    I’ll hold out for the Nano version of the supply. :D


    maybe they could just have an EHX jumbo power board with built in power supply.


    I just got a really good idea- individual power supplies that you can chain to each other. So they’d have a 120 input and output jacks, plus an output jack for whatever powering it delivers. Put them in thin cases that are easy to put brackets on and mount underneath a pedal. And that way you’ve always got an extra

    Right now this is my solution, which is less than ideal.

    And no, my power supply isn’t hanging on by velcro, it’s mounted with screws. The velcro’s for attaching hook velcro to keep cables from flopping around too much

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