Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX 95000 Switching Tracks

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    Just got a EHX 95000 a few weeks back to replace my Boss RC-300 and I am diggin’ it.

    I do guitar and drum machine, improv R&B/Soul/Rock improv and covers for live shows and was looking for something with more tracks in a small package and this does the trick so far. Sorta Reggie Watts, but with guitar and sans the hilarious comedy.

    My question is: Is there a way to program the pedal so that the ‘LOOP Up/Down’ switches can switch between tracks? Being that I am a live guitar/drum machine player my hands are busy and cant easily reach down to hit the individual track light buttons when switching tracks on the fly for dub/overdub/stopping. I understnd the track footswithc switches tracks incrementally but this does not work for getting to tracks quickly, and many times I overshoot th track I need and have to cycle 6 times to get to it. This often leads to missing key changes in my dynamic part changes in songs.

    My second question is: Can certain tracks be set to, say, a 4 count loop, and other tracks set to 8/16/etc counts.
    For Example: Track 1 is set to Free Count mode and for a 4 count drum or beat box, Track 2 is in normal mode and is a 16 count rhythm guitar section and subsequently, tracks 3-6 are also all limited to a 16 counts.

    Thanks and LOVE EHX products and hope to hear from ya soon.


    To answer your second question first, no all tracks are the same length for a given loop. If Track 1 is a 4 bar loop, all the other tracks are also 4 bars. Once you establish loop length on track 1, all the other track lengths are also established at that time.

    At the moment the only way to navigate through the tracks is with the TRACK footswitch. You can directly select tracks using MIDI Program Change messages as well. We have thrown around some ideas for easier track navigation directly on the 95000 but haven’t loved any yet and cannot guarantee at this time that we will do that on a future firmware update.


    Ok I can dig that.

    You do say it’s possible switching using MIDI? Where can I find info on how to program that. I am fairly clueless on how to use midi to perform various functions.


    I actually just saw some MIDI info in the 95000 instructions.

    I guess my other question is: Is there a pedal that can be programed to perform midi control changes to the 95000 for track changes that you know of?


    the MIDI capability on the EHX 45000 and 95000 is totally awesome, I use a Nektar Pacer for this, I did an unboxing video and many performance videos hands free using lots of gear.

    here is the pacer in action using a 45000 (which as pretty much the same MIDI spec as 950000):

    Not just the Nektar Pacer is good for this though I have heard good things about the Behringer FCP1010 and there is a few other programmable MIDI foot controllers.

    I would say if you are comfortable programming a foot controller then this is a great way to go to extend your looping options in terms of start/stop, track switching, etc

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