Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ehx 45000 numbers of bars in a loop.

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  • #184521

    Where is the info for numbers of bars in a loop kept exactly? I would have thought there might have been a line in that tempo file that I could edit but alas there is not. I would much rather edit a file to set up a loop than try and do it the manual way which quite frankly is a bit hit and miss.


    The 45000 does not have a text based way to edit the number of bars for a particular loop. There are a couple of alternatives for doing this though:

    Create Silent Dummy Loops On The 45000 Prior To Recording Audio:
    1. Go to an empty loop bank on the 45000 (if you have the Foot Controller) or just use whatever loop bank the 45000 is current set to.
    2. Enable QUANTIZE mode by pressing its button so that its LED is lit.
    3. Disconnect the the Left and Right Input jacks so no extraneous noise is recorded.
    4. Set the two INPUT knobs to fully counterclockwise.
    5. Press NEW LOOP, the RECORD LED should now blink.
    6. Press the RECORD button, the 45000 will perform the four-beat count-in (the TRACK1 LED blinks during count-in). Once the count-in is finished, the 45000 is recording. The TRACK1 LED goes solid when the 45000 begins recording.
    7. Keep track of the bar count. Once you reach the number of bars you want for your loop, press the RECORD button. You don’t have to be too careful when setting the loop length while using Quantize mode. I recommend pressing RECORD on beat 1 of the following bar. The 45000 will automatically set the loop length to be a perfect number of 4 beat bars. For example, I want a 6 bar loop, press the RECORD button on beat 1 of bar 7. The 45000 will automatically create a 6 bar loop.
    8. Whenever you want to record audio, go back to this dummy loop you created, press record and you will overdub new audio onto the loop. The loop length is already preset to whatever number of bars you created so you don’t have to worry about getting the loop length right.

    Create Silent Dummy Loops On Your DAW Then Transfer To The 45000’s SD Card:
    This option is a little more involved at first but once you create a loop, for say 4 bars, you can always just keep it on your computer and copy it to the 45000’s SD card whenever needed. You could do this for loop’s of varying bar lengths.
    One thing you might need to change each time you copy a loop to the 45000 is the tempo in TEMPO.TXT, to match the tempo you are going for.
    If you sync to MIDI clock, then the tempo is not so important. I would probably just always leave the tempo set to 120.0000 BPM.
    1. When creating loops for the 45000, the following rules must be followed:
    a. Each audio file must be a WAV.
    b. Each audio file must be 16 bit.
    c. Each audio file must be 44.1kHz.
    d. The audio files for TRACK1.WAV-TRACK4.WAV must be mono.
    e. The audio file for TRACKM.WAV must be stereo.
    f. The WAV files must be placed onto the SD card in a folder called LOOPxx. Where xx is a two digit number ranging from 00 to 99.
    g. The loop folder must also have a TEMPO.TXT file which you can copy from loop folders created by the 45000. In fact we recommend you copy a loop folder made by the 45000 then rename it. Delete the audio files but keep the TEMPO.TXT files.


    Thanks for that comprehensive answer…I will study it more closely.

    Just to be clear …so the number of bars is embedded wholly within the wav file?…Or is it a product of the duration of the wav file and data within the tempo txt file?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Wibble666.
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