Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX 45000 Looper Monitor Out Problems

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    So I’ve had my 45000 for about a month now and I’m running into some serious issues with the monitor out. Everything seems to work fine when I plug my instrument into the left or right input and the left or right outputs into the amp. However, when I follow the instructions in the manual and plug my instrument into the left or right input then output from the monitor out into the amp it plays everything extremely quietly, almost inaudibly. So I’ve been trying to fix it for a while now and I’m pretty frustrated. Is it a simple cable misplacement on my part? I followed the manual to the letter so I don’t think that’s it. Or is it a defective pedal and I should try to go get an exchange?

    Here’s how I have it wired:
    Everythings got power
    plug guitar into left input
    plug footswitch into footswitch
    plug monitor out into amp

    I really want to be able to use the metronome and that only seems to play through the monitor out. Any help on how to fix this would be very much appreciated. Thanks!


    i was able to figure out how to sync in “beat-sync” mode after a while. however, sometimes when i record a loop and it is set, when it plays back a section will be cut out from the original audio. this is typically accompanied or followed by by drastic pitch/time instability. if i unplug the looper and plug it back in, reset the MIDI master clock, it will start looping normally again.

    after reading up online i noticed that many people have had similar issues with the 2800…i read that there was a software patch fixing the bug that EHX released before the 4500, would this patch take care of the problem in the 4500?

    just in case anyone has problems with the syncing, this is what i did:

    -open new file in ableton, in preferences, under MIDI/SYNC, set the track, sync, and remote buttons to “ON” for the MIDI interface in the OUTPUT section.

    -make sure the quantize/external sync buttons are off and unlit on the looper. then turn the external clock button on so it is lit. press it again for “beat-sync”–it should be flashing rapidly.

    -press the quantize button next to the external button, it will be a solid light.

    -play and record the loop, if everything is set up correctly it should operate just the same, but the looper starts and ends the loop on time with the downbeat of the nearest bar that you end the loop on. from what i understand this can be up to two beats max after downbeat of the last bar of the loop.

    *it took me a while to hit on the right formula for the looper to sync to the external MIDI clock. i had to download and reinstall the driver for my MOTU fastlane MIDI interface. looping works fluidly about 80% of the time, with the pitch instability and cutting out occuring only some of the time but enough to be obnoxious. however when i use this live, i will be slaving the clock (only in beat-sync mode) to another members macbook in ableton. the clock will be running for the extent of the set, so if there is a way to treat the sync instability WITHOUT resetting the master MIDI clock, PLEASE let me know!


    sorry! wrong thread, but let me check out mine and get back to you.


    i mean this is obvious but is the “clix” level up high enough? it works for fine for me when i routed everything the way you said. also, have you checked your cable going to the monitor? maybe try using headphones and see if there is a difference.


    Hey Green Machine,
    I do have the clix volume knob up high enough. The thing is I can hear the click track but not the guitar. Also this is probably relevant: everything is wayyyyyyyyyyy quieter when I run it through the monitor out. Like I can use the left and right inputs and outputs but using the monitor out I barely get any sound coming out of the amp. This wouldn’t really bother me that much except that it prevents me from using the met to keep track of what I’m doing when I’m doing octave and reverse stuff as well as tempo shifting the whole loop etc. Also, if I unplug the power from the 45000 then plug it back in it’s really crackly for about 30 seconds but I can hear the guitar better. Seems pretty odd. I’m thinking the thing might be broken somehow and that I’ll have to convince the store I bought it from to give me a new one.


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