Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX 22500 looper

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    Hey everyone, I’ve had the looper for awhile now and never had problems with it. All of a sudden when I am in free mode and just jamming along with myself doing overdubs and having fun the looper will not play back the initial recording, just the overdubs! Just to be clear, I hit record, lay down a rhythm track, stop it, start playing the rhythm track back, hit record on the same loop channel to begin overdubbing, it plays the rhythm track while I’m jamming but once I’ve stopped recording the overdubs and try to listen back to it, only the overdubbed lead track is played back! No rhythm guitar to be found!. Please help! I love using the looper as a songwriting tool as this just isn’t going to work!


    Do you have the value of the overdub set high? 100 is best.
    Manual is here

    See page 2


    Thank you for your response, I’ve tried the overdub level at all different settings. The overdub is the only thing that plays back, I can’t hear the original rhythm track that I am soloing over on playback. The overdub isn’t the issue.

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