Home Forums Vintage EHX EHX 1981 Digital Delay?

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    Does anyone know anything about the 2-second digital delay (EH-7870?) EHX supposedly released in 81, 2 years prior to the 16-second? It’s referenced here: https://www.ehx.com/blog/ehx-flashback-1981-2-second-delay-and-16-second-delay

    I’ve literally only found one other picture of one. Was this even released?? Was it released in 1981, two years prior to the DD-2 which is often considered the first digital delay stompbox??

    Does anyone have a dealer list from that timeframe?

    Thanks for any help you can offer!

    The EH Man

    I had one for several years but it was non-working when I got it and I sold it the same way.


    Hmm. That fits with some other things I’ve found…QC issues. Anyone else know anything?


    Well, mine is in good shape :-)
    2 Sec Digital Delay
    I know at least another one in good working order (better cosmetic shape than mine).
    Maybe “Mister Danger” has one or two also…

    Well, mine is in good shape :-)
    2 Sec Digital Delay
    I know at least another one in good working order (better cosmetic shape than mine).
    Maybe “Mister Danger” has one or two also…

    i do have one! it works …ok. its shakey.


    I’m working on one right now and need service information. It is in bad shape. the PCB number is 7870. It looks like it has been worked on by someone else and suffered scars on the circuit board as a result. Does anyone have a schematic for it?

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