Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH Wiggler

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  • #80233

    My wiggler started buzzing bad when activated then finally has stopped doing the effects. I engage it and can adjust the output signal and the intensity singal does something when I turn it like if it would be adjusting the trem if it were actually working and in the vibrato mode when I switch to the different modes, the sound quality changes but there is no vibrato. Also the light that shows the rate of the tremelo or vibrato is not working anymore. Could it be that the chip that creates the trem and vibrato is done? Need help, this is by far my favorite pedal and I am totally bumbed out about it.

    The EH Man

    Could be the chip or maybe even a bad solder joint/broken ground. Is the pedal still under warranty?


    I don’t think so I bought it off ebay from a private seller.

    The EH Man

    You’ll need to take it to a tech, then.


    Is this something EH can do or should I take it to a local tech. Are there any local techs for this stuff?

    The EH Man
    Is this something EH can do or should I take it to a local tech. Are there any local techs for this stuff?

    They can do it for a small fee: http://newsensor.com/CutomerServices.aspx

    Alternately, you could take it to a local tech.

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