Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH Vocoder V256 MIDI not Gating the Input

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    Just got a EH V256 Vocoder and I’ve been running it in Vox Robo Modes 1-3 with Pitch controlled via MIDI Keyboard on ch 16. Voice is sm58 straight into the Unit. Guitar is not connected at all.

    The Vocoder is working. BUT the problem is that between each Keyboard MIDI Note the internal synth pitch kinda defaults to something else – a Low E I think?

    So if I don’t sing perfectly in time with the Midi notes then I get these tails / starts that are in a Low E kind tone that then corrects to say Cmin when I play MIDI.

    Most Vocoders I’ve used via MIDI inthe Past will GATE (or envelope) the Voice Input when there is no MIDI being sent. but the EH seems to default to a flat tone when there is no MIDI.

    is this some internal setting of the v256? I can’t find any info on it in the Manual


    Looking at the Manual: will adjusting the internal setting of

    CC 64 Internal Synth Sustain: 0-127

    have any effect on this?


    hmm this is interesting. where do you have your pitch knob set?


    I think the Pitch Knob was set at 12 O’clock. But I dont’ think that matters.

    The problem is that the ‘Default’ Pitch is probably set by the Pitch Knob which is not going to be necessarily in tune with the Song I’m playing at the time ( triggering via Midi).

    It seems like the only solution is to constantly send some midi note to the v256 during that song of the base note or similar to ensure that the v256 is not going to be too out of key if i happen to sing into it at the wrong time.

    It would be better though If it had a MIDI GATE Mode where the Output is Muted unless there is a MIDI Note bveing received. which is the way one usually uses a Vocoder. Can this possibly be addressed with a Software update?


    I mean the problem is that when you sing just before / after the MIDI Note then the internal synth pitch immediately reverts back to the pitch set by the ‘Pitch’ knob. oops.

    slight problem when playing live.


    I believe that the default pitch you’re hearing is whatever the pitch knob is set to. If you turn the pitch knob fully CW or fully CCW, it will kill the automatically internally generated synth, effectively not vocoding any noise if you’re not sending it a midi signal.

    there is no output gating because it would interfere with how the blend control works.

    let me know if this helps.


    ahh ok.

    I will try this and see if it works. thanks for the tip.


    Hey, I had the same problem. Then I did this. I turned the pitch knob fully CCW and the problem was solved. No one sound when I play, but not sing. Thanks.

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